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Memory in Motion II |

Memory in Motion II Transnational Network for a Place of Learning and Memory of Colonialism in Germany

(© bpb)
Date of the event 13.12. – 14.12.2024
Time of the event from 09:00 am
Place of the event Berlin
Download link: Download event

About the event

The final event of the transnational network on education and memory of colonialism in Germany will take place on 13 and 14 December 2024. The network was established at a kick-off event in Hamburg between 26 and 28 January 2023 in order to advance debate and ideas for a new nationwide place of learning and remembrance of colonialism in Germany. The cooperation partners invited national and international experts from the fields of science, art, architecture and urban planning as well as key stakeholders from institutions and civil society to discuss the forms and means of remembrance and commemoration in relation to German colonialism. It was particularly important to include various transnational voices, positions and perspectives.

The network’s semi-public symposium taking place in Berlin, concludes the two-year joint process with national and transnational actors working on the topics of colonialism, coloniality and decolonial cultures of remembrance. The aim of the symposium is to collate, process and present to the public the ideas, utopias and visions discussed over a period of around 24 months. A comprehensive publication, due for publication next year, will document the process, present the results and formulate recommendations.

In the context of current debates on the politics of remembrance, a space will be created in which reflection and exchange on the forms, content, affects and politics of decolonial remembrance will be made possible and thus fundamental questions for considerations on the establishment of a future site of learning and remembrance of colonialism can be addressed.

Organizers and Cooperation Partners

Memory in Motion is a joint project of the Hamburg Historical Museums Foundation, The Ministry of Culture and Media in Hamburg, the Advisory Council on the Decolonisation of Hamburg, the Federal Agency for Civic Education/bpb, Decolonize e.V., Dekoloniale - Memory Culture in the City, and the Berlin City Museum Foundation

The project is funded by the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media and the German Federal Cultural Foundation. The Federal Cultural Foundation is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

Inquiries via: E-Mail Link:

Information about the event

Event address:
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin
Externer Link:

bUm - Raum für solidarisches Miteinander
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 21
10999 Berlin
Externer Link:

Memory in Motion is a joint project of the Hamburg Historical Museums Foundation, The Ministry of Culture and Media in Hamburg, the Advisory Council on the Decolonisation of Hamburg, the Federal Agency for Civic Education/bpb, Decolonize e.V., Dekoloniale - Memory Culture in the City, and the Berlin City Museum Foundation

Haus der Kulturen der Welt:
By train: Regional, national, and international trains stop at Berlin Hauptbahnhof, which is located close to HKW.
By S-Bahn: Take the S3, S5, S7, or S9 to Hauptbahnhof or the S1, S2, S25, or S26 to Brandenburger Tor.
By U-Bahn: Take the U5 to Bundestag, Hauptbahnhof, or Brandenburger Tor.
By Bus: Take the 100 bus and get off at the stop ‘Haus der Kulturen der Welt’.

bUm - Raum für solidarisches Miteinander:
The best way to get there by public transport is to take the U8 (Schönleinstraße) or the U7/U8 (Hermannplatz).
From Schönleinstraße, take Bürknerstraße to the intersection at Hobrechtbrücke, cross the bridge and turn right. From Hermannplatz you can cross Sonnenallee, turn right into Weserstraße and then take the second street on the left (Friedelstraße). This also leads to Hobrechtbrücke, which you cross and then turn right onto Paul-Lincke-Ufer.
You can also take the M29 bus to the Ohlauer Straße stop. From here, follow Ohlauer Straße south and turn left onto Paul-Lincke-Ufer.

Participation fee: 0€
There is a limited amount of available spaces

internal link: Register now

Weitere Inhalte

Konferenz / Tagung
veranstaltet von der bpb

Memory in Motion II

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