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Autumn School | Unpacking the Rule of Law in Europe. |

Autumn School | Unpacking the Rule of Law in Europe. Academia meets Activism

The Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, bpb) organises an international and interdisciplinary Autumn School titled “Unpacking the Rule of Law in Europe. Academia meets Activism” in cooperation with the European Solidarity Centre in Gdańsk, Poland, from October 6-9, 2024. Interested scholars and practitioners are invited to discuss questions of resilient democracies and the rule of law across Europe, thereby focusing on the case of Poland.

(© David Linkowski)
Date of the event 06.10. – 09.10.2024
Time of the event from 06:00 pm
Place of the event Europäisches Solidarność Zentrum
Download link: Download event

About the event

In many countries in Europe, we are witnessing recurring attacks on democracy and its institutions as well as illiberal and populist backlashes. It is thus key not only to understand the authoritarian playbook applied to dismantle the rule of law but also the origins of democratic fatigue and political disaffection, which are driving societies away from democratic principles. Next to responding to democratic backsliding, the preventive approach has to be strengthened across disciplines, sectors, and countries. In this context, Poland states a historical precedent: After the parliamentary elections in October 2023 and the end of the PiS government, Poland faces the legally complex question of how the country can return to the full rule of law without breaking democratic rules itself. Against this backdrop, the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, bpb) in cooperation with the European Solidarity Centre organise an international and interdisciplinary Autumn School on “Unpacking the Rule of Law in Europe. Academia meets Activism.”

The objectives of the autumn school are:

  • To spread knowledge about the challenges to democracy and the rule of law in Europe

  • To understand the structures of anti-democratic policies in Poland, Europe and beyond

  • To look for theoretical approaches and practical measures for defending democracy and the rule of law

  • To build bridges between the next generation of researchers, experts, and activists committed to the defence of democracy and the rule of law in their countries and Europe

We encourage 15 young researchers, experts, and activists to join the programme to develop a better understanding of the topic and build synergies between their research and initiatives for better outreach and effectiveness.

The Autumn School will take place in Gdansk, Poland, one year after the parliamentary elections labelled “the most important after 1989”. Yet, the process of restoring democratic order is far from being complete. We hope that the country’s experience of the autocratic episode as well as its current efforts for re-democratisation will serve as an interesting hands-on case and inspiration to all participants. During three days, the guest speakers from Poland and other European countries will deliver hands-on examples and share their unique knowledge with participants selected for the programme.


  • The Autumn School will take place on-site, in Gdańsk, Poland, from 6 to 9 October 2024 (Sunday afternoon-Wednesday afternoon)

  • The programme consists of lectures, discussion formats, and interactive workshops. Participation in all sessions is obligatory

  • Each participant is obliged to prepare a short presentation of their work (academic or practical) about the focus of their work to better identify cross-cutting issues and synergies with the work of other participants. These presentations will be the subject of two “Academia meets Activism” workshop sessions

  • Participation is free of charge. The organisers will cover the costs of travel and accommodation of selected participants, including the cultural programme

  • A certificate of participation will be issued for each participant

  • The language of the programme is English


  • Participants’ travels to and from Gdańsk will be organised by the organisers.

  • The organisers will provide accommodation for all participants

Eligibility criteria:

  • Citizenship: EU or nationals of other countries with EU residency

  • Education: Minimum MA in a relevant field (MA should be completed by October 2024)

  • Scholars: PhD candidates or holding a recent PhD (max 5 years) in law/legal studies, political sciences, social sciences, or history

  • Practitioners: NGO activists, think tanks and policy experts, journalists

  • Focusing on their research or professional work on issues on and around democracy and/or the rule of law in Europe

  • Commitment to briefly present and discuss their ongoing research or initiatives during the “Academia meets Activism” workshop sessions

  • Advanced knowledge of the English language (participants should be able to actively participate in an English-speaking conference)

Application process:
The recruitment process will follow online. The Selection Committee will make their choice based on the submitted documents, including:

  • General applicant information on fulfilling the eligibility criteria and a detailed CV

  • A letter of motivation, outlining the expectations from the programme and potential benefits of participating in it for the applicant's work and further development

  • Documentation of the existing work (research or other initiatives) on the rule of law and democracy in the form of research project/dissertation description, websites of ongoing initiatives or other relevant materials showcasing the applicant’s engagement

Deadline for applications: August 22nd 2024, 17.00 CEST
Selection period: August 22 - August 30 2024
Final confirmation of Participant’s commitment: 1 September 2024

Information about the event

Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung in Kooperation mit dem Europäischen Solidarność Zentrum

Participation fee: No admission
Please click on the application link and fill out the form; deadline: 22. August

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