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UniRomnja Romani Feminismus – Geschichte(n), Bewegung(en) und Theorie(n), Öffentliche Ringvorlesung

(© bpb)
Datum der Veranstaltung Dienstag, 09. Januar 2024
Uhrzeit der Veranstaltung 16:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Ort der Veranstaltung Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Hauptgebäude, Hörsaal 1072
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Über die Veranstaltung

Vortrag von Alexandra Oprea mit dem Titel „Revisiting Re-envisioning Social Justice Twenty Years Later: Do We Finally See and Hear Romani Women?“

Inhalt des Vortrages:
It has been twenty years since Re-envisioning Social Justice from the Ground-Up: Including the Experiences of Romani Women was published. In that paper, I looked at the situation of Romani women using the Critical Race Theory tools bestowed upon me by my mentor, Kimberle Crenshaw. In this lecture, I will dust off my toolbox once more in order to examine how the article has influenced discourses, how intersectionality has otherwise shaped Romani discourses in Europe, and ultimately begin to answer the question of whether we see and hear Romani women.

Zur Person:
Alexandra Oprea is a Romanian Romani attorney, author, and activist. Over fifteen years ago, under the tutelage of Kimberlé Crenshaw at both Columbia University and UCLA School of Law, Alexandra pioneered the application of intersectionality theory to Romani women and through a series of articles articulated the gendered dimensions of Romani civil and human rights struggles. Oprea was instrumental in creating some of the “historic firsts” for Romani women’s representation in the global arena, most notably through her written and oral advocacy at the 49th Session (2005) of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, where she called for an intersectional approach to collecting race and gender statistics in order to gain insight into the barriers facing Romani and other minority women. Her advocacy and articles are credited as helping to pave the way for the European Parliament’s historic first report on the „Situation of Roma Women in the European Union.“

Oprea received a B.A. from Vassar College, an M.A. from Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs, and a J.D. from the UCLA School of Law, where she studied Critical Race Theory, was a Senior Editor on the UCLA Law Review (Volume 57), and founded the Womxn of Color Collective (2008), which remains a thriving campus organization today.

Mehr zur Ringvorlesung auf: Externer Link:

Hinweise zur Veranstaltung

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Hörsaal 1072
Unter den Linden 6
10117 Berlin

RomaniPhen e.V. in Kooperation mit bpb

Interessierte Bürger*innen, Studierende, Wissenschaftler*innen, Multiplikator*innen, Communitys der Sinti*zze und Rom*nja

Journalistinnen und Journalisten wenden sich bitte an die Interner Link: Pressestelle.

Hinweise zur Teilnahme:
Teilnahmegebühr: keine
Barrierearm, Simultanübersetzung Eng/Deu, Schriftdolmetschen, Stream

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