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Visitor Programme |

Visitor Programme Digital or on location in Berlin - free political education

(© bpb)
Date of the event 01.01.2020 – 31.12.2023
Place of the event Berlin, online
Download link: Download event

About the event

Hybrid Visitor Programme - Innovative Group Lectures on Demand

The lectures are interactive and designed according to innovative media-didactic principles, so that you have the opportunity to deepen the respective topic according to your individual needs and to discuss it with our speakers. Along the way, you will also learn something about the bpb and get to know our diverse offers.

Discussion and exchange play a central role. To ensure the interactivity of the lectures, personal access for all participants via microphone and screen is recommended. Groups participating in the programme in a room (e.g. school classes in face-to-face lessons) are welcome to contact the bpb/us in advance if they have any questions about the infrastructure.

We currently offer lectures on the following topics, which are in particularly high demand:

Topic 1: UPDATE: Democracy
Topic 2: Fake-News and Media Literacy
Topic 3: Racism and Hatred

If you are interested in a topic that is not listed above, please contact us personally and we will check as soon as possible whether your needs can be met.

We are very pleased about your interest!

Hygiene concept for the bpb (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/Federal Agency for Civic Education) visitor programme

After more than two years of closure due to the pandemic, the bpb will again offer lectures at its Berlin office (Friedrichstraße 50/Checkpoint Charlie, 10117 Berlin) from 1 June 2022.

The programme will continue to be hybrid in the future: Groups can choose to listen to a lecture on site in the meeting room (capacity: up to 50 people) or dial in via zoom.

If you choose the presence variant, we must ask you to observe the following rules of our hygiene concept:

For the protection of all visitors and our staff, a mask must be worn when entering the bpb and the associated media centre, even after 1.6.2022. We will continue to keep an eye on the pandemic situation and adapt the hygiene concept depending on the situation. We will of course inform the groups of any changes at short notice.

We ask for your understanding and look forward to your visit!

Information about the event

Event address:
Federal Agency for Civic Education
(Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung)
Friedrichstr. 50
10117 Berlin

Federal Agency for Civic Education

Registration contact:
Federal Agency for Civic Education
Department Events Visitor Programme "Visiting Berlin - Understanding Politics”
e-mail: E-Mail Link:

Questions about the programme:
Mr. Konrad Kögler
phone: +49 (0)30 254504-416
e-mail: E-Mail Link:

Press contact:
Journalists please contact the Interner Link: press office.

Participation fee: free

internal link: Register now

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