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GénérAktion: your impact counts! - YOU:KO 2023 | Youth Congress: YOU:KO 2023 |

Youth Congress: YOU:KO 2023 GénérAktion: your impact counts! - YOU:KO 2023

GénérAktion: your impact counts! - YOU:KO 2023

(© Franz Josef, Berlin)
Date of the event 28.09. – 01.10.2023
Place of the event Köln
Download link: Download event

About the event

The Youth Congress sees itself as a forum where young people from a wide range of backgrounds come together to discuss current, politically relevant issues under a specific motto and formulate goals and positions arising from them. The participants and thus the target group of the congress are young people with diverse backgrounds between the ages of 16 and 27.

In view of the commemorative event "60 Years of the Elysee Treaty", the Youth Congress 2023 focused on Franco-German cooperation and has been realized for the first time within the framework of the cooperation agreement between bpb and the Franco-German Youth Office (DFJW). For the first time, not only German but also French young people have participated. The working language during the preparations for the congress as well as during the congress was English.

The special feature of the Youth Congress is that it is a participative youth project. This means that young people are not only the target group, but the content and form of the congress is essentially determined by young people and they were involved in almost all planning processes. The preparatory team has been formed by numerous active volunteers of the participatory networks teamGLOBAL (tG), Young European Professionals (YEPs) and the Youth Jury of the Youth Democracy Prize (JDP) associated with the bpb – this year, of course, young people from France form about 50% of the preparatory team.

More information about the congress can be found in the Interner Link: mission statement.

Information about the event

Event address:
Bürgerhaus Stollwerck
Dreikönigenstraße 23
50678 Köln

Target group:
Young people from germany and france aged 16 to 27.

Matters regarding content:
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung / Fachbereich Veranstaltung
Nina Schillings / Ann-Sophie Holz
E-Mail Link:

Matters regarding organisation:
YOU:KO - Jugendkongress der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb)
c/o Organisationsbüro
Valentum Kommunikation GmbH
Bischof-von-Henle-Str. 2b
93051 Regensburg
E-Mail Link:
Tel.: 0941 591896 74
Fax: 0941 591896 71

Weitere Inhalte

Youth Congress: YOU:KO 2023

Venue and Accomodation

Here you can find all information about the venue and accomadtion.

Youth Congress: YOU:KO 2023


Here you can find a summary of the most important information.

Youth Congress: YOU:KO 2023

Mission statement

YOU:KO GénérAktion: your impact counts! Connecting German and French youth to explore a variety of topics. To engage in workshops, discussions and connect with other changemakers.

Youth Congress: YOU:KO 2023

Program of the YOU:KO 2023

Here you can find our preliminary program. Keep your eyes open for upcoming announcements!

YOU:KO - der Jugendkongress

Youth Congress: YOU:KO 2023

The YOU:KO 2023 has been held at Bürgerhaus Stollwerck in Cologne form 28.09.-01.10.2023.


Rückblick 2024

Der Jugendengagementkongress lud 300 ehrenamtlich engagierte junge Menschen nach Berlin zum Weiterbilden und Vernetzen ein.