The youth congress YOU:KO is organized by the two youth participation networks teamGLOBAL and the Young European Professionals as well as the youth jury of the Jugenddemokratiepreis. The team members of the networks deal intensively with their topics, but they still do not know every detail and therefore do not see themselves as experts, but as fellow learners. They gather experience at their diverse workshops throughout Germany and at previous youth congresses.
teamGLOBAL (© teamGLOBAL)
teamGLOBAL (© teamGLOBAL)
What do an avocado slice, your cell phone and the Shanghai Stock Exchange have in common? Right: They all have something to do with globalization!
What globalization means and how we can shape it together is what the teamGLOBAL educational network teaches young people across Germany in numerous workshops. The team members are between 16 and 27 years old and want to promote global understanding and self-determined, responsible action by young people through the use of target group-specific and interactive methods. They also have many opportunities to help shape the open, participatory educational network for sustainable development. You can find more information and how you can join teamGLOBAL Externer Link: here.
Young European Professionals
Young European Professionals (© Young European Professionals)
Young European Professionals (© Young European Professionals)
Is Ursula von der Leyen the boss of Olaf Scholz? How does the EU work and what does it have to do with my life? Why am I only allowed to work until 10 p.m.? Can I go to school in England after tenth grade? How do EU countries work together on issues such as flight and asylum, the climate crisis and foreign policy?
The Young European Professionals (short: YEP) have answers to these questions. The YEPs see themselves as an association of young multipliers who want to bring other young people closer to Europe, the EU and their politics with a wide range of workshops and events. The aim is to encourage personal and active engagement with Europe, to convey the necessary information in a playful way and to encourage personal commitment. You can find more information Externer Link: here.
Jury des Jugenddemokratiepreises
Jugenddemokratiepreis (© bpb)
Jugenddemokratiepreis (© bpb)
To speak one's mind. To have a say. Found an association. Read newspaper. Demonstrate. Free internet. Believe what you want and love who you want. None of this is self-evident, but part of the free-democratic basic order, which is secured by our constitution. But is it really that secure? Liberal values and the protection of minorities are increasingly being called into question. On the other hand, many people seem to feel like they are not being heard.
This is precisely why the youth jury of the Jugenddemokratiepreis has set itself the task of promoting and honoring creative projects by young adults that encourage and enable dialogue and create space for debates and encounters. Projects that show that our democracy concerns us all and that young people's commitment pays off!