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"United in distance? |

"United in distance? Youth Democracy Award 2021

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The Covid crisis allows us to observe how physical distance also turns into social distance – or do you see it differently? Are you breaking new ground? Learn about the 2021 awardees here.

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In 2021, the Youth Jury awarded various initiatives for their commitment to strengthening democracy for the 13th time. The Youth Democracy Award 2021 goes to the projects "Dare2Care" and "No School without Feminism". "Young and Political" wins the special "Elections" prize.

Despite the great challenges posed by the Corona Pandemic, especially for young project makers, the 2021 project applications showed that many young people have not been discouraged. In line with this year's motto #unitedindistance, they have found new and different forms to implement their commitment and matter close to their hearts anyway. A big "Thank you" from the youth jury goes to all those, who in a time of fake news and conspiracy myths, have continued to work passionately for social cohesion and have given democracy a young voice. "Our society lives through your commitment!" said the jury of the Youth Democracy Award 2021.

Laureates of the Youth Democracy Award 2021

"Externer Link: Dare2Care" is an educational initiative whose mission is to educate about mental health in schools, destigmatize, support the personality of young people. "Strong personalities build a strong society," say the project creators. This is implemented in the form of workshops by and for young people and through educational work on Instagram.

"Externer Link: Keine Schule ohne Feminismus" ("No School without Feminism") is a group of Berlin students with the goal of creating a discrimination-free society. They deal with sexism in schools and in society and do educational work via social media.

Winner of the special "Elections" award

Externer Link: "Jung & Politisch" ("Young & Political") is an Instagram channel that is the recipient of this year's special "Elections" award. The channel is run by Johanna Kürwitz and Victoria Lauer. Their goal is to educate young people who are eligible to vote in the Bundestag elections for the very first time. For example, they talk about the electoral system, the parties and the candidates for chancellor.

Award ceremony

The award ceremony will take place as soon as the pandemic situation allows. Information on this is expected to be published here in early 2022.

More info and news at @youthdemocracyaward on Facebook and Instagram!
