Freitag, 03. November 9:00 bis 10:30 Uhr
Given the many crises the world is facing, international partnerships and trust are necessary now more than ever. In a time of so much social and political fracture, transatlantic relations between Germany and the U.S. need to focus on working together even more. Both have important lessons for the other, and civic education plays a key role in the political sphere and in democracy building particularly. It provides orientation, structure, and critical thinking, especially for young people who feel increasingly disconnected. The professionals in this field on both sides of the Atlantic struggle with some overlapping and some distinct challenges, particularly in regard to youth work.
This session will present lessons learned and promising practices from the 2021/2022 Transatlantic Exchange of Civic Educators (TECE), which was designed to foster dialogue and create new ideas in the field of civic education in both countries. This fellowship is an exemplary model of strengthening connections between the two countries, building sustainable cooperation at local and international levels, and providing benefits to professional and youth generations.
The workshop will give a brief overview of the fellowship program, including the structure, activities, and resulting collaborations. It will highlight one project within the program, which focuses on history as an entry point and spotlights younger voices, taking cues from what they see as crucial topics, important lessons, and transformative experiences.
This workshop will be in english.
Veranstalter/ Workshopleitung
Teresa Pfaffinger
(© privat)
(© privat)
Teresa Pfaffinger leitet seit 2018 das Referat Jugend, Bildung und Generationen in der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung. Ihr Tätigkeitsspektrum ist breitgefächert und das Angebot reicht von klassischer politischer Bildung bis hin zur Förderung ehrenamtlichen Engagements. Sie studierte Governance and Public Policy an der Universität Passau. 2021/22 durfte sie am „Transatlantic Exchange for Civic Educators“, einem Programm des AdBs teilnehmen. Ziel war es deutschen und amerikanischen politischen Jugendbildnern die Möglichkeit zu geben, voneinander zu lernen und die transatlantischen Beziehungen zu stärken.
April Grayson
(© John Noltner)
(© John Noltner)
April Grayson combines her commitment to antiracism and social justice with her passion for storytelling, documentary fieldwork, and art practice. She is the Director of Community and Capacity Building for the Alluvial Collective, based in Jackson, Mississippi, US. April facilitates dialogue and antiracism programs and oversees oral history and documentary projects. She works with youth civic education programs, NGOs and nonprofits, museums, schools, universities, professional organizations, and corporations, both in the US and abroad.
Der Workshop wird in Englisch abgehalten.
congress centrum weimarhalle