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Application Autumn School | Unpacking the Rule of Law in Europe. Academia meets Activism

personal data
The field first name is required. The field first name must not contain more than 100 characters.
The field surname is required. The field surname must not contain more than 100 characters.
Ms Mr Dr Prof Not specified
Female Male Div I do not want to share this information
The field institution is required. The field institution must not contain more than 100 characters.
The field function is required. The field function must not contain more than 100 characters.
The field country of origin must not contain more than 100 characters.
The field country of residence must not contain more than 100 characters.
The field project description: What would you like to present and discuss during the meeting (500 words) is required.
do you want to present a poster?*
yes no
The field motivation: Why are you applying to participate in the Autumn School (300 words) is required.
The field email address is required. The field email address must not contain more than 254 characters.
privacy agreement I agree that my personal data will only be used among the Agency for Civic Education (bpb). We assure you that we will only use the data for bpb-related purposes und that we will under no circumstances use the data for commercial purposes. Diese Checkbox is Pflicht.
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