17th to 19th Century
The territorial expansion of the Russian Empire can be divided into three historical phases. The first phase took place in the 17th century and was connected with the exploration of Siberia and the Far East. Russian speakers had become a demographic majority in these regions by 1678. The second expansion started in the beginning of the 18th century, and Russian territory increased with the acquisition of Belarus, the Baltics, parts of Poland and parts of the Ottoman Empire (including Bessarabia – contemporary Moldova). The inclusion of North Caucasus, Armenia, Georgia and Central Asia took place in the 19th century, during the third phase (the last expansion).
Russia was probably the first country in the world to establish a specialized State Migration Management Department (in 1763). The main goal of this institution was to promote migration from Western Europe to Russia. As a result of this policy thousands of immigrants – most of whom were skilled (e.g., scientists, professors, military men, engineers, architects and businessmen) – settled in Russia. The most significant share of migrants was ethnic Germans. According to historical data, there were about 1.8 million Germans in the Russian Empire by the end of 19th century.
The Soviet Era
In the Soviet period there were two contradictory factors affecting migration: restriction of the freedom of movement provided by the residence permit system (propiska)
A special labour recruitment system was established during the first five-year-plans (piatiletkas)
Compulsory resettlement was a part of Soviet totalitarian policy, an instrument of political repression. The first victims of compulsory resettlement were wealthy farmers (kulaks), who were deported to underdeveloped northern areas.
International migration in the USSR was very limited. Especially during the times of the Cold War, mobility between countries of the 'Soviet block' and countries of Western Europe and North America was nearly impossible. Soviet citizens had to get an exit visa to go abroad. There were only a few, strictly controlled channels for coming to the country, such as working in politically significant projects or to study. Irregular migration was effectively stopped by highly developed security and border controls.
As a result of imperial and Soviet policies, the composition of the population in the various parts of the country was not homogeneous. Ethnic Russians lived in all Soviet republics and their number varied from 2.5% (in Armenia) to 38% in Kazakhstan. They resided mainly in the capitals and other urban centres, where they had access to culture and education in their mother tongue and good job opportunities. As Russians were the dominant ethnic group in the Soviet Union (often referred to as "elder brothers") and Russian was the lingua franca, ethnic Russians were encouraged to feel "at home" in the whole territory of the USSR. The popular song of the era of "stagnation" in the 1970s illustrates the attitudes of ethnic Russians very well: "Not some house, not some street – my address is the Soviet Union". At the same time many non-Russian ethnic groups from republics other than Russia lived in Russian regions. According to the last Soviet population census, conducted in 1989, ethnic Ukrainians and Belarusians were the second and the third largest groups after Russians in the dominant part of Russian regions. Ethnic Moldovans lived mainly in the central regions. Ethnic Estonians, Letts and Lithuanians lived in the North-Western regions and Siberia.
The Post-Soviet Era
After the Soviet system collapsed there were about 25 million ethnic Russians who lived in the former Soviet Union (FSU)
International Migration to and from the Russian Federation (bpb) Lizenz: cc by-nc-nd/2.0/de
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International Migration to and from the Russian Federation (bpb) Lizenz: cc by-nc-nd/2.0/de
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countries other than the Russian Federation. Over three million ethnic Russians settled in Russia between 1991 and 1998.
There was a migration inflow in half of the subjects of Russian Federation in 2008. According to the data of the Institute of Demography SU-HSE, the largest migration inflow was in Moscow oblast – about 75.000 people, among them about 55.000 in Moscow. Sankt-Petersburg and Krasnodar krai were also important regions receiving migrants.
Inflows from Former Soviet Union countries
Russia accepts migrants from more than 100 countries worldwide. However the flow from "near abroad" is dominant and growing, while the share of main "far-abroad"
In the 1990s, the issue of Chinese migrants moving across the border into Russia´s Far East received a great deal of attention in the Russian media.
In reality the number of Chinese citizens in Chinese-Russian border regions has been relatively small. For example, Chinese comprised a maximum 1.1% of the population of Primorsky krai (a border region to China) in 1996-1998,
Temporary labour migrants
Temporary labour migrants
A specific feature of the Russian economic system is a significant informal and shadow economy, which demands cheap and legally unprotected labour. According to official data, 53% of legally residing labour migrants worked in the shadow economy in 2007. Rights violation by employers, such as the confiscation of a migrant´s passport in order to increase control over employees, incomplete wage payment, limitation of freedom of movement, absence of social guarantees and involuntary work occur among both legal and irregular migrants.
Emigration from Russia to the FSU countries decreased from 690.000 people in 1989 to 40.000 in 2004. Experts have pointed at two major reasons for the decrease: the exhaustion of the ethnic repatriation potential and economic and political changes in the FSU countries.
Large numbers of highly-skilled Russian emigrants moved to the USA, Norway and Germany following the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1993, every fifth emigrant from Russia had post-secondary education. This "brain drain" has continued. In 2005, an estimated 30.000 Russian scientists were working abroad.
The majority of emigration to Germany, Israel and Greece has taken place in the course of ethnic repatriation programs. The
Main Countries of Emigration from Russia (bpb) Lizenz: cc by-nc-nd/2.0/de
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Main Countries of Emigration from Russia (bpb) Lizenz: cc by-nc-nd/2.0/de
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peak of migration from Russia to Germany was in 1995 (about 80.000).
Economically motivated circular migration (shuttle traders or chelnoks)
This kind of migration was typical for Russia in the 1990s. The collapse of the planned economy resulted in unemployment and the loss of professional status for many Russian citizens. People who had previously worked in, for example, the military industry or Soviet research institutions had to seek new jobs, but the transition to a market economy did not provide them with many opportunities. As a result, a large number of Russian citizens were involved in a very specific business-commercial trips to other countries (primarily Poland, Turkey, and China) in order to buy and import small batches of consumer goods to sell back home. These entrepreneurs, called "shuttle traders", contributed substantially to the development of small and medium businesses in Russia.
Internal migration
During the Soviet era, significant numbers of people moved from the Central-European part of Russia to the northern regions, Siberia and the Russian Far East. But the vector of migration changed in the second half of the 1980s, with more people moving westward and southward. In the post-Soviet era, movement from the eastern and north-eastern regions to western regions has intensified.
In the wake of the planned economy, several "ghost towns" have emerged in outlying regions. These are generally former "monotowns" – towns with one factory providing employment to the majority of the inhabitants– which could not sustain their populations once the major employer went bankrupt.
According to official statistics, internal migration in contemporary Russia is currently low. Only 1.4 % of the population changed their places of residence in 2007, and fewer than half of these people moved across the borders of their respective regions.