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Lavenex, S. (2006a): "Towards the Constitutionalization of Aliens' Rights in the European Union?" Journal of European Public Policy 13 (8): 1284 – 1301.
Lavenex, S. (2006b): "Shifting Up and Out: the Foreign Policy of European Immigration Control." West European Politics 29 (2): 329-350.
Lavenex, S. (2007): "The External Face of Europeanization: Third Countries and International Organizations", in Andreas Ette and Thomas Faist (eds.), The Europeanization of Migration Policies, London: Macmillan, 2007, 246-264.
Lavenex, S. and Kunz, R. (2008): "The Migration-Development Nexus in EU External Relations."Journal of European Integration 30 (3): 439–457.
Monar, J. (2001): "The Dynamics of Justice and Home Affairs: Laboratories, Driving Factors and Costs." Journal of Common Market Studies 39(4): 747-764.
OECD (2007): International Migration Outlook. Paris.
Literature and Further Reading
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Here you can find a list of references as well as further reading for the Country Profile "European Union" by Sandra Lavenex.
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