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Northern America |

The USA and Canada are considered to be classical immigration countries. The regional profile provides an overview of their migration history and policies.


Immigration: A Story of American Constitution

Immigration policies shape the demographic, social, and cultural fabric of a nation, which is why they are so controversially debated. A foray through the history of American immigration policy.

Hannah Zaves-Greene

/ 10 Minuten zu lesen

Race and Ethnicity in the United States

What is known about the political preferences, participation, and representation of different ethnic groups in the USA? We turned to the Pew Research Center for insights.

/ 9 Minuten zu lesen

Diverging Paths

Canada and the U.S. are both liberal democracies with high levels of immigration. However, their immigration policies are starkly different. A closer look at the causes behind this divergence.

Antje Ellermann, Dhriti Mehta

/ 6 Minuten zu lesen

Weitere Inhalte


Integration Policy

Facilitating access to citizenship is regarded as one of the most important components of Canada’s integration policy; beyond that, the federal government funds settlement services for permanent…

5,00 €

Kampf & Sehnsucht in der Mitte der Gesellschaft

5,00 €

Was ist „deutsch“? Wo befindet sich die gesellschaftliche Mitte, und wie kann man ihr zugehören? Stephan Anpalagan geht den Debatten um Integration und Leitkultur auf den Grund.


Immigration: A Story of American Constitution

Immigration policies shape the demographic, social, and cultural fabric of a nation, which is why they are so controversially debated. A foray through the history of American immigration policy.