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China (2014) | China |

China China's Migration Trends and Policies China (2014)

China (2014)

Lan Diao Maren Opitz

/ 1 Minute zu lesen

Since the 1980s China's economic boom has led to increased internal migration. However, the situation of internal migrants in the cities is often precarious.

Interner Link: Download the 2014 China Country Profile as PDF.

Weitere Inhalte

Lan Diao, Doctor of Educational Sciences in foreign language didactics with a focus on Chinese didactics, originally comes from Beijing and is currently a teacher for Chinese and German at a secondary school in Hamburg.

Maren Opitz has a master’s degree in International Migration and Intercultural Relations from the University of Osnabrück and is currently working for the German Youth for Understanding Committee in Hamburg. After completing her bachelor studies in Sinology, Civil Law and Language Acquisition Research she spent two years in China where she worked inter alia in the office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Shanghai.