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Italy |


The transformation of the role of Italy from a country of emigration par excellence to a country of immigration took place somewhat suddenly from the late 1970s onwards. Especially in the last twenty years, Italy has experienced stronger immigration than many other European countries and currently the annual growth rate of the immigrant population is one of the highest in the European Union. Despite its young history of immigration, the country has significant experience regarding migration movements: apart from being one of the world’s largest exporters of manpower in the past, Italy, from the end of the 19th century onwards, also experienced sizable movements of internal migration from the agricultural South to the more industrialized North.



The transformation of the role of Italy from a country of emigration par excellence to a country of immigration took place somewhat suddenly from the late 1970s onwards. Especially in the last twenty…

Dr. Giorgia Di Muzio

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Historical Development of Immigration

In the second half of the 19th century and in the early 20th century, Italy contributed greatly to intra-European migration flows and registered sizable emigration to North and South America and…

Dr. Giorgia Di Muzio

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Recent Developments

In 1991, Italy was, for the first time, confronted with "mass immigration". On only two days, that is March 7th and August 8th, around 50,000 Albanian refugees landed on the coasts of Apulia after the…

Dr. Giorgia Di Muzio

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Migration Policies

Until the late 1980s, Italy - still lacking the experience of having to deal with large numbers of immigrants – did not limit immigration. Yet, the transformation from being a country of emigration…

Dr. Giorgia Di Muzio

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The Immigrant Population

On the 1st of January 2012 more than 4,850,000 foreigners were estimated to live in Italy, that is 8% of the total population. Compared to the previous years, Italy's foreign population has…

Dr. Giorgia Di Muzio

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The first law on citizenship was passed in 1912 (Act 555). It established the jus sanguinis principle whereby only descendants of Italians had the right to obtain Italian citizenship, and…

Dr. Giorgia Di Muzio

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Immigrant Integration and Integration Policy

The inclusion of non-Italian students into the education system is at the centre of social policy debate in recent years, mainly due to the fact that the number of foreign students in compulsory…

Dr. Giorgia Di Muzio

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Irregular Migration

Irregular Migration has always been a crucial problem in the debate on immigration in Italy, because the issue of and thus the discourse on immigration is strongly influenced by a strong presence of…

Dr. Giorgia Di Muzio

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Refuge and Asylum

The "Bossi-Fini" law (Law 189/2002) considerably modified previous legislation on refugees and asylum. As a result, the "Commissione centrale per il riconoscimento dello 'status di rifugiato'" was…

Dr. Giorgia Di Muzio

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Future Challenges

The future scenario of migration in Italy depends on how three main issues will be addressed in the near future. At the level of policies the question how the management of immigration flows as well…

Dr. Giorgia Di Muzio

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Literature and Internet Resources

Here you can find Literature and Internet Resources for the Country Profile 23: "Italy" by Dr. Giorgia Di Muzio.

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