Discussions on the permissibility of dual citizenship play a special role in social discourse. In addition to technical and practical considerations, this concerns ideas of citizenship and naturalisation as ethnic and political boundary-making, as well as attitudes within a country towards permanent residents of a different origin their integration in the social system.
The discourse on ethnic and political boundary-making in Germany
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Two recent developments have given the impetus to revisit this topic. Firstly, since January 2008 the first consequences of what is known as the option model have become apparent. Although the reformed German nationality law of 2000 refrained from generally acknowledging dual citizenship, it did introduce a limited ius soli regulation (birthright citizenship). According to this, children born in Germany to foreign parents are entitled by their birth to a German passport, even if they possess another citizenship.
Secondly, in 2007 it was recognized that EU citizens could have multiple nationality and thus from 2007 any EU citizen naturalised in Germany may retain his or her former nationality.
Naturalisations with and without accepting dual citizenship (bpb) Lizenz: cc by-nc-nd/2.0/de
- Als JPG herunterladen (71.4kB)
Naturalisations with and without accepting dual citizenship (bpb) Lizenz: cc by-nc-nd/2.0/de
- Als JPG herunterladen (71.4kB)
Moreover, cases of multiple citizenship are not limited to individual instances in Germany. Apart from the circumstances listed above and cases where children of binational parents are granted citizenship of both countries on the basis of descent
These developments, and the reservations against accepting dual citizenship which exist as a matter of principle in any case, give rise to the discussion in this policy brief of the pros and cons of this concept and its effects. The first part of this policy brief introduces and comments on classic objections to dual citizenship before changing focus in the second and third parts to concentrate on the actual foundations of the frequent criticism associated with key aspects of naturalisation and the definition of society.
Daniel Naujoks, attorney at law and economist, is doctoral research fellow at the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI). Currently, he works for the Organisation for Diaspora Initiatives, New Delhi.