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Policy Briefs | Zuwanderung, Flucht und Asyl: Aktuelle Themen |

Policy Briefs

Policy briefs offer facts and analysis on issues of immigration, integration and refugee flows, presented in a clear and accessible style. Each policy brief provides an introduction to a key theme, combining background analysis with a critical appraisal of different perspectives on the issues. In addition, the briefs contain tips for further reading and internet links, offering readers the chance to gain more indepth knowledge on a particular issue. Up to six new policy briefs are published annually.

New Articles

"Having a nationality is not a given, it is a privilege"

How many people in Europe are stateless? What does it mean to be stateless? What are obstacles to ending statelessness in Europe? And why should everyone reflect on statelessness as a way to think…

Beeke Wattenberg

/ 22 Minuten zu lesen

Deconstructing the Myth of the Migrant Smuggler

Migrant smugglers are often considered unscrupulous criminals who exploit people in helpless situations. However, research results show a more complicated picture. The present contribution is an…

Gabriella Sanchez

/ 11 Minuten zu lesen