Policy Briefs | Zuwanderung, Flucht und Asyl: Aktuelle Themen | bpb.de

Policy Briefs

Policy briefs offer facts and analysis on issues of immigration, integration and refugee flows, presented in a clear and accessible style. Each policy brief provides an introduction to a key theme, combining background analysis with a critical appraisal of different perspectives on the issues. In addition, the briefs contain tips for further reading and internet links, offering readers the chance to gain more indepth knowledge on a particular issue. Up to six new policy briefs are published annually.

New Articles

Reiseausweis, der in Deutschland im Sinne des Übereinkommens über die Rechtsstellung der Staatenlosen vom 28. September 1954 an Staatenlose ausgegeben wird.

"Having a nationality is not a given, it is a privilege"

How many people in Europe are stateless? What does it mean to be stateless? What are obstacles to ending statelessness in Europe? And why should everyone reflect on statelessness as a way to think…

Beeke Wattenberg

/ 22 Minuten zu lesen

Banner mit Denver loves Immigrants (Denver liebt Einwanderer) am City and County Building von Denver, 26.02.2018

Sanctuary and Anti-Sanctuary Immigration Law in the United States

Sanctuary policies have existed in the US for several decades. Recently, federal and state initiatives have tried to restrict these policies, raising questions regarding the authority of states and…

Pratheepan Gulasekaram

/ 11 Minuten zu lesen

Tausende Menschen aus Zentralamerika auf ihrem Weg an die US-Grenze (hier in Tapanatepec, Mexico, Ende 2018). Viele der Flüchtenden gaben an, sich unter tausenden anderen Flüchtlingen sicherer zu fühlen, als sich einem Schlepper anzuvertrauen.

Deconstructing the Myth of the Migrant Smuggler

Migrant smugglers are often considered unscrupulous criminals who exploit people in helpless situations. However, research results show a more complicated picture. The present contribution is an…

Gabriella Sanchez

/ 11 Minuten zu lesen