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Lifestyle Migration Was ist Lifestyle Migration? Briten in Spanien Einen neuen Lebensstil entdecken Folgen des Residenztourismus Zusammenfassung Literatur


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Hier finden Sie Literatur zum Kurzdossier "Lifestyle Migration" von Karen O’Reilly.

Aledo Tur, A. (2005): Los otros immigrantes: residents europeos en el sudeste español. In: J. Fernández - Rufete/M.G. Jiménez (Hg.): Movimientos migratorios contemporáneos. Murcia: Quaderna Editorial, S. 161-180.

Benson, M. (2011): The British in Rural France. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Benson, M. (2013): Postcoloniality and Privilege in New Lifestyle Flows: The Case of North Americans in Panama. Mobilities Jg. 8, Nr. 3, S. 313-330.

Benson, M./O’Reilly, K. (2009): Migration and the Search for a Better Way of Life: a Critical Exploration of Lifestyle Migration. Sociological Review, Jg. 57, Nr. 4, S. 608-625.

Bjelde, K. E./Sanders, G. F. (2012): Change and Continuity: Experiences of Midwestern Snowbirds. The Journal of Applied Gerontology, Jg. 31, Nr. 3, S. 314-335.

Bousiou, P. (2008): The Nomads of Mykonos.: Performing Liminalities in a Queer Space. Oxford: Berghaahn Books.

Casado-Díaz, M. (2006): Retiring to Spain: An Analysis of Differences among North European Nationals. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 32, Nr. 8, S. 1321-1339.

Croucher, S.L. (2009): The Other Side of the Fence: American Migrants in Mexico. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Dixon, D./Murray, J./Gelatt, J. (2006): America's Emigrants: US Retirement Migration to Mexico and Panama. Washington DC: Migration Policy Institute.

Griffiths, D./Maile, S. (2014): Britons in Berlin: Imagined Cityscapes, Affective Encounters and the Cultivation of the Self. In: M. Benson/N. Osbaldiston (Hg.): Understanding Lifestyle Migration. Theoretical Approaches to Migration and the Quest for a Better Way of Life. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 139-160.

Hardill, I./Spradbery, J./Arnoldboakes, J./Marrugat, M. L. (2005): Severe Health and Social Care Issues among British Migrants Who Retire to Spain. Ageing and Society, Jg. 25, Nr. 5, S. 769-783.

Hayes, M. (2012): Una nueva migración económica: el arbitraje geográfico de los jubilados estadounidenses hacia los paíces Andinos. Andinamigrante Jg. 15, S. 2-11.

Hoey, B. (2005): From Pi to Pie: Moral Narratives of Noneconomic Migration and Starting Over in the Postindustrial Midwest. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Jg. 34, Nr. 5, S. 586-624.

Hoey, B. (2009): Pursuing the Good Life: American Narratives of Travel and a Search for Refuge. In: M. Benson/K. O’Reilly (Hg.): Lifestyle Migration: Expectations, Aspirations and Experiences. Farnham: Ashgate, S. 31-50.

Huete, R./Mantecón, A./Mazón, T. (2008): Analysing the Social Perception of Residential Tourism Development. In: C. Costa/P. Cravo (Hg.), Advances in Tourism Research. Aveiro: IASK, S. 153-161.

Korpela, M. (2009): More Vibes in India: Westerners in Search for a Better Life in Varanasi. Tampere, Finland: Tampere University Press.

Mantecón, A. (2008): La experiencia del turismo. Un estudio sociológico sobre el proceso turístico-residencial. Barcelona: Icaria.

Mantecón, A./Huete, R. (2008): The Value of Authenticity in Residential Tourism. Tourist Studies, Jg. 8, Nr. 3, S. 359-376.

Mazón, T./Aledo A. (2005): El dilema del turismo residencial: ¿turismo o desarrollo inmobiliario? In: T. Mazón/A. Aledo (Hg.): Turismo residencial y cambio social. Nuevas perspectivas teóricas y empíricas. Alicante: Aguaclara, S. 13-30.

Mazón, T./Aledo, A. (Hg.): Turismo residencial y cambio social. Nuevas perspectivas teóricas y empíricas. Alicante: Aguaclara.

McWatters, M. R. (2008): Residential Tourism: (De)Constructing Paradise. Bristol: Channel View Publications.

O’Reilly, K. (2000): The British on the Costa del Sol : Transnational Identities and Local Communities. London: Routledge.

O’Reilly, K. (2001): Blackpool in the Sun: Images of the British on the Costa del Sol. In: R. King/N. Woods (Hg.): Media and Migration. London: Routledge, S. 173-186.

O’Reilly, K. (2007): Intra-European Migration and the Mobility-Enclosure Dialectic. Sociology, Jg. 41, Nr. 2, S. 277-293.

O’Reilly, K. (2012a): International Migration and Social Theory. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

O’Reilly, K. (2012b),: Children’s Moving Stories: How the Children of British Lifestyle Migrants Cope with Super-Diversity. In: J. Waldren/I.-M. Kaminski (Hg.): Learning from the Children: Culture and Identity in a Changing World. Oxford: Berghahn Books, S. 99-126.

O’Reilly, K./Benson, M. (2009): Lifestyle Migration. Escaping to the Good Life? In: M. Benson/K. O’Reilly, (Hg.): Lifestyle Migration. Expectations, Aspirations and Experiences. Farnham: Ashgate, S. 1-14

Ono, M. (2009): Japanese Lifestyle Migration/Tourism in Southeast Asia. Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology, Jg. 10, Nr. 1, S. 43-52.

Osbaldiston, N. (2012): Seeking Authenticity in Place, Culture, and the Self: the Great Urban Escape, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Salazar, N. B. (2014): Migrating Imaginaries of a Better Life… Until Paradise Finds You. In: M. Benson/N. Osbaldiston (Hg.): Understanding Lifestyle Migration. Theoretical Approaches to Migration and the Quest for a Better Way of Life. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 119-138.

Sriskandarajah, D./Drew, C. (2006): Brits Abroad – Mapping the Scale and Nature of British Emigration, London: IPPR.

Therrien, C. (2014): French People in Morocco Searching for ‘Elsewhereness’. In: M. Janoschka/H. Haas (Hg.): Contested Spatialities, Lifestyle Migration and Residential Tourism. London: Routledge, S. 108-123.

Tremblay, R./Hugues, C. (2011): Floribec: The Life and Death of a Tourism-Based Transnational Community. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography, Jg. 65, Nr. 1, S. 54-59.

Vannini, P./Taggart, J. (2014): No Man Can be an Island: Lifestyle Migration, Stillness and the New Quietism. In: M. Benson/N. Osbaldiston (Hg.): Understanding Lifestyle Migration. Theoretical Approaches to Migration and the Quest for a Better Way of Life. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 188-210.

Waldren, J. (1996): Insiders and Outsiders. Paradise and Reality in Mallorca. Oxford: Berghahn Books.

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