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The ban festival | Facts and Contexts Matter |

The ban festival On the trail of rumours

In Japan, hate speech and rallies targeting Korean residents surged between 2009 and 2016. A grassroots movement formed in order to work toward a more inclusive society.


How can collective action serve as a powerful antidote to the harmful spread of misinformation and hate ⁉️ Our new 8-part series explores how East Asia is tackling disinformation and hate speech.

In this episode, we examine a troubling trend between 2009 and 2016 in Japan, where hate speech and rallies targeting Korean residents surged. This increase highlighted the fragility of cultural cohesion and the deep divides created by toxic narratives.

🎥Watch Episode 5 to be inspired by grassroots movements working toward a more inclusive society. Not sure about the technical terms used in this video? Have a look at the glossary!


Hate speech

Speech that attacks, threatens, or discriminates against individuals or groups based on attributes such as race, religion, sexual orientation, or nationality.

Hate rallies

Public gatherings organised to promote or incite hate against individuals or groups based on attributes like race, religion, or nationality.

Freedom of speech

The right to express one's opinions and ideas without censorship or restraint, as protected by law in many democracies.


A group of anonymous users in Japan that has been engaged in reporting hate videos online.


An anonymous Japanese imageboard website, known for its user-generated content and discussions, similar to 4chan.


The suppression or prohibition of speech, communication, or information deemed objectionable or harmful by authorities.

Online discourse

Discussions or conversations that take place over the internet, often on forums, social media, or other digital platforms.

Mehr Informationen

  • Story: Kaori Kohyama

  • Illustration: Yukari Mishima

  • Script: Awe Studio

  • Animation: Awe Studio x Jorge Ramos

  • Music: Youjin Jeon

  • Production: Awe Studio

  • Post-production: Awe Studio x Jorge Ramos

  • Editorship & Translation: bpb & Goethe-Institut

  • Scientific Advice: John W. Cheng, Tsuda University / Jeanette Hofmann, Berlin Social Science Center

  • hrsg. von: bpb & Goethe-Institut


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