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A helpful bot | Facts and Contexts Matter |

A helpful bot On the trail of rumours

How is Taiwan automating the fight against misinformation? 23.4 million people live in Taiwan, supposedly 22 million use the messaging service LINE. A chatbot is used to help verify information.


How is Taiwan fighting anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric? ⁉️

Our new 8-part series explores how East Asia is tackling disinformation and hate speech.

Episode 1 takes place in Taiwan in 2016, where anti-LGBTQ+ messages were spreading like wildfire. To counter this, Externer Link: Cofacts was born—a collaborative, open-source fact-checking platform.

🎥Watch Episode 1 to see how Cofacts fought for media transparency! Not sure about the technical terms used in this video? Have a look at the glossary!



Unverified information or stories that are spread from person to person.


An acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning, with the plus sign representing other sexual orientations and gender identities.


The process of verifying the accuracy of information or claims to ensure they are truthful and reliable.


False or misleading information spread without intent to deceive.


A computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, often used in customer service or information retrieval.


A software application that performs automated tasks, often on the Internet, such as posting content or gathering data.

LINE messenger

A popular messaging application developed by LINE Corporation, used for text, voice, and video communication.

Critical thinking

The ability to analyze information objectively and make reasoned judgments based on evidence and logic.

Source code

The human-readable instructions written by programmers that make up a software program.


A person or tool that exposes the falsehoods or inaccuracies in a claim, rumour, or piece of information.


The practice of obtaining information, input, or services by soliciting contributions from a large group of people, typically via the Internet.

Mehr Informationen

  • Story: Jason Liu

  • Illustration: Yukari Mishima

  • Script: Awe Studio

  • Animation: Awe Studio x Jorge Ramos

  • Music: Youjin Yeon

  • Production: Awe Studio

  • Post-production: Awe Studio x Jorge Ramos

  • Editorship & Translation: bpb & Goethe-Institut

  • Scientific Advice: John W. Cheng, Tsuda University / Jeanette Hofmann, Berlin Social Science Center

  • Produktion: 11.2024

  • Spieldauer: 3 Min.

  • hrsg. von: bpb & Goethe-Institut


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