What is the relationship between media literacy and levels of press freedom ⁉️
Our new 8-part series explores how East Asia is tackling disinformation and hate speech.
At the University of Hong Kong, lecturer Masato recognized that media literacy was being taught using Western resources. In response, he founded Externer Link: ANNIE Asia, a news and information network dedicated to creating accurate, relevant materials tailored to the East Asian context.
🎥Watch Episode 4 to uncover innovative strategies to foster media literacy! Not sure about the technical terms used in this video? Have a look at the glossary!
Fake news
False or misleading information presented as news, often with the intent to deceive or mislead.
Politically sensitive
Issues or topics that are likely to provoke strong reactions or controversy due to their implications for political interests or affiliations.
Imitation of real processes in order to understand functional logics and consequences.
Mehr Informationen
Story: Hui-An Ho
Illustration: Yukari Mishima
Script: Awe Studio
Animation: Awe Studio x Jorge Ramos
Music: Youjin Yeon
Production: Awe Studio
Post-production: Awe Studio x Jorge Ramos
Editorship & Translation: bpb & Goethe-Institut
Scientific Advice: John W. Cheng, Tsuda University / Jeanette Hofmann, Berlin Social Science Center
Produktion: 11.2024
Spieldauer: 4 Min.
hrsg. von: bpb & Goethe-Institut
© 2024 Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung & Goethe-Institut