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On the trail of rumours | Facts and Contexts Matter |

On the trail of rumours

Have you heard about super apps? API's? What about the national security law in Hong Kong? In this episode, we travel through Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan in search of false rumours.


How often do you question the rumours you come across online ⁉️ Our new 8-part series explores how East Asia is tackling disinformation and hate speech.

Have you heard about super apps? API's? Kakao? What about the national security law in Hong Kong? In this episode, you will follow our navigator as they travel through Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan in search of false rumours, and learn all about the state of misinformation online.

🎥Watch Episode 0 to learn all about South-East Asia’s media landscape. Not sure about the technical terms used in this video? Have a look at the glossary!


East Asia

A region in Asia that includes countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Mongolia, and Taiwan.

Super apps

Mobile applications that integrate multiple services and functions, such as messaging, social media, and payment services, into a single platform.

Estimated Internet penetration

An estimate of the percentage of a population that has access to and uses the Internet.

Data Center

A facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems.


Unverified information or stories that are spread from person to person.

Hate speech

Speech that attacks, threatens, or discriminates against individuals or groups based on attributes such as race, religion, sexual orientation, or nationality.

Mehr Informationen

  • Story: Hui-An Ho

  • Illustration: Yukari Mishima

  • Script: Awe Studio

  • Animation: Awe Studio x Jorge Ramos

  • Music: Youjin Yeon

  • Production: Awe Studio

  • Post-production: Awe Studio x Jorge Ramos

  • Editorship & Translation: bpb & Goethe-Institut

  • Scientific Advice: John W. Cheng, Tsuda University / Jeanette Hofmann, Berlin Social Science Center

  • Produktion: 11.2024

  • Spieldauer: 3 Min.

  • hrsg. von: bpb & Goethe-Institut


© 2024 Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung & Goethe-Institut

Dossier zur Thematik

Stories about media literacy in East Asia

On the trail of rumours

How often do you question rumours you encounter online? Discover our eight-part video series, highlighting East Asia's approach to disinformation and hate speech.