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On the trail of rumours | Facts and Contexts Matter |


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On the trail of rumours

Have you heard about super apps? API's? What about the national security law in Hong Kong? In this episode, we travel through Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan in search of false rumours.

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A helpful bot

How is Taiwan automating the fight against misinformation? 23.4 million people live in Taiwan, supposedly 22 million use the messaging service LINE. A chatbot is used to help verify information.

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Face to face

Ever seen the pink vests in Taiwan’s parks, mountain trails or markets? They belong to Fake News Cleaner, a grassroots movement on a mission to teach citizens how to spot misinformation and scams.

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Listening to social media

Given its geographical condition, Japan frequently experiences natural disasters. Often, rumours and misinformation are spread online. A news station developed strategies to debunk online rumours.

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Media Literacy 101

Why is it so important to understand the local contexts? At the University of Hong Kong, lecturer Masato recognized that media literacy was being taught using Western resources.

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The ban festival

In Japan, hate speech and rallies targeting Korean residents surged between 2009 and 2016. A grassroots movement formed in order to work toward a more inclusive society.

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Message from Ray

How can a game teach you something about media literacy? We follow a group of students as they develop a game to teach colleagues about media literacy and debunking rumours.

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Training AI

Lee-Luda, an AI chatbot, captivated South Korea in 2021, communicating just like a Korean university student in her 20s. It evoked questions about ethical implications of AI.

Weitere Inhalte

Medienkompetenz in Ostasien

Den Gerüchten auf der Spur

Wie oft hinterfragt ihr Gerüchte, die euch online begegnen? Entdeckt hier unsere achtteilige Videoserie, die Ostasiens Umgang mit Desinformation und Hassrede beleuchtet.

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Von Angesicht zu Angesicht

In Taiwan sind in Parks, auf Wanderwegen und Märkten Menschen mit pinken Westen unterwegs. Die Bewegung Fake News Cleaner möchte Menschen beibringen, Fehlinformation und Scams zu erkennen.

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Ein nützlicher Bot

Wie automatisiert Taiwan den Kampf gegen Desinformation? Von 23,4 Mio. Menschen in Taiwan nutzen angeblich 22 Mio. den Messenger-Dienst LINE. Ein Chatbot hilft dabei, Informationen zu verifizieren.

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Den Gerüchten auf der Spur

Habt ihr schon von Super-Apps gehört? APIs? Kakao? Dem Sicherheitsgesetz in Hongkong? In dieser Episode erfahrt ihr mehr über Online-Desinformation in Taiwan, Hongkong, Südkorea und Japan.

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Listening to social media

Given its geographical condition, Japan frequently experiences natural disasters. Often, rumours and misinformation are spread online. A news station developed strategies to debunk online rumours.

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Face to face

Ever seen the pink vests in Taiwan’s parks, mountain trails or markets? They belong to Fake News Cleaner, a grassroots movement on a mission to teach citizens how to spot misinformation and scams.