Dokumentation: Die Ukraine-Krise im Fokus der Münchener Sicherheitskonferenz 2016 | Ukraine-Analysen |

Dokumentation: Die Ukraine-Krise im Fokus der Münchener Sicherheitskonferenz 2016

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Während der Gespräche und Reden auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz 2016 werfen sich sowohl der ukrainische Präsident Poroshenko als auch der russiche Ministerpräsident Medwedew gegenseitig eine unzureichende Umsetzung des Minsker Abkommens vor. Dabei unterstützen viele europäische sowie US-amerikanische Politiker den Kurs Poroshenkos und kritisieren das Vorgehen Russlands.

Der ukrainische Präsident Petro Poroschenko und der US-Amerikanische Staatssekretär John Kerry auf der Münchener Sicherheitskonferenz 2016.

Der ukrainische Präsident Petro Poroschenko und der US-Amerikanische Staatssekretär John Kerry auf der Münchener Sicherheitskonferenz 2016. (© picture-alliance/dpa)

Während der Gespräche und Reden auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz 2016 werfen sich sowohl der ukrainische Präsident Poroshenko als auch der russiche Ministerpräsident Medwedew gegenseitig eine unzureichende Umsetzung des Minsker Abkommens vor. Dabei unterstützen viele europäische sowie US-amerikanische Politiker den Kurs Poroshenkos und kritisieren das Vorgehen der russischen Regierung. Petro Poroshenko fürchtet eine Spaltung der gemeinsamen Werte Europas und betont die Priorität von guter Zusammenarbeit und Solidarität zwischen der Ukraine und der EU.

Der ukrainische Präsident Petro Poroshenko auf der MSC 2016 (13. Februar 2016)

Europa und die Ukraine müssen zusammenhalten

The Head of State thanked Angela Merkel for her efforts on restoring peace in Ukraine. The President emphasized the importance of unity in the EU and prolongation of sanctions against Russia for the non-fulfillment of the Minsk agreements.

Quelle: Externer Link:

…und gemeinsame Werte verteidigen

"Europe is associated with certain values for Ukrainians. Today, there is a threat of alternative values that cause isolationism, intolerance, disrespect for human rights, religious fanaticism and homophobia. This alternative Europe has its own leader called Mr. Putin. This alternative Europe has its own barefoot soldiers called pro-Russian parties that fight against Europe"

Quelle: Externer Link:

Putin als Aggressor

"Mr. Putin, it is your aggression, not a civil war in Ukraine. It is not a civil war in Crimea, it is your troops who occupied my country. It is not a civil war in Syria, it is your bombardment of civil society in Syria. And it is a demonstration that we live in parallel universes with Russia"

"(…)For a one and a half year I built up a strong army. Another good example that exactly one year ago, immediately after signing the Minsk Agreements, Russia sent five thousand troops trying to kill, as they said to the Minsk directly (this is the Putin Word), eight thousand Ukrainian soldiers (…). And I said never ever. And we have these five thousand Russian troops. But we defend our land. Another argument about dialog with Russia in the civil war: Since I became President we released two third of the occupied Donbass and we don’t have any single conflict in the cities and towns which were released. The only one reason of the conflict is the Russian troops of my territory. That’s why we of course should have a dialog. But only when the troops would be withdrawn and they stop bombing Aleppo, when they stop supplying the weapons, missiles, multi-rocket-launch systems, ammunition, fresh troops to me, to Ukraine, the occupied part and when they withdraw their troops from Crimea."

Quelle: dalia-grybauskaite-andrzej-duda-and-mart/?tx_dreipctvmediacenter_mediacenter%5Bvenue%5D=36&cHash=b6fbe65d8298 4c6c61e252b48375020e

Die Menschenrechtsverletzungen auf der Krim ähneln der Stalinzeit

The parties also discussed the situation in the occupied Crimea. The President urged the EU to actively protect the rights of Crimean Tatars. The violation of their rights resembles Stalin’s period.

Quelle: Externer Link:

Die Ukraine wird unabhängiger von russischer Energie

"We survived this year without a single supply of natural gas from Russia, which was earlier used by Russian authorities as an instrument of political pressure. We are working hard, but the oil and gas sector was a source of corruption for any authorities in Ukraine earlier"

Quelle: Externer Link:

Erneuerung des Rechtssystems und Durchführung von Reformen

President Petro Poroshenko noted that the government of Ukraine was actively working over reforms. According to him, the country is gradually changing and needs solidarity and trust of partners

"Frankly speaking, we have a terrible judicial system. We are creating a special infrastructure together with our European and American partners"

Quelle: Externer Link:

Auszüge aus der Rede von Ministerpräsident Dmitri Medwedew (13. Februar 2016)

Ein neuer Kalter Krieg?

"Speaking bluntly, we are rapidly rolling into a period of a new cold war. Russia has been presented as well-nigh the biggest threat to NATO, or to Europe, America and other countries (an Mr Stoltenberg has just demonstrated that). They show frightening films about Russians starting a nuclear war. I am sometimes confused: is this 2016 or 1962?"

Die Ukraine befindet sich am Rande des nationalen Zusammenbruchs

"I am referring to Ukraine, the volatile Balkans, and Moldova that is teetering on the brink of a national collapse"

IWF hat fundamentale Kreditregeln in Bezug zur Ukraine geändert

"I’ll just point out how the International Monetary Fund adjusted it’s fundamental rules on lending to countries with overdue sovereign debt when the issue concerned Ukraine’s sovereign debt to Russia."

Das Minsk-Abkommen als bestes Mittel für eine friedliche Beilegung

"The Normandy format has helped us launch negotiations on Ukraine. We believe that there are no better instruments for a peaceful settlement than the Minsk Agreements."

Der Russisch-Französische Dialog ist ertragreich

"We welcome France’s balanced and constructive stance on Ukraine and on all other acute international issues. I fully agree with Mr. Valls that the Russian-French dialoge never stopped, and that it has produced concrete results."

Die Fortführung der Minsker Verhandlungen hängt von Kiew ab

"It is true that all sides must comply with the Minsk Agreements. But implementation primarily depends on Kiev. Why them? Not because we are trying to shift responsibility, but because it’s their time."

Keine Waffenruhe im Süd-Osten der Ukraine

"First and most important, a comprehensive ceasefire is not being observed in southeastern Ukraine. Shooting is routinely reported at the line of conduct, which should not be happening. And we must send a clear signal to all parties involved, in this regard."

Kritik an Kiew: keine Verfassungsänderung

"Second, amendments to the Ukrainian Constitution have not been approved to this day, although this should have been done by the end of 2015. And the law on a special status for Donbass has not been implemented."

"Instead of coordinating specific decentralisation parameters with the regions, and this is the crucial issue, Ukraine has adopted so-called "transitional provisions,” even though the above requirements were put in black and white in the Minsk Agreements."

Fragwürdige Ergebnisse bei lokalen Wahlen

"Third, Kiev continues to insist that local elections be based on new Ukrainian law. Furthermore, Kiev has not implemented its commitment on a broad amnesty that should embrace all those who were involved in the developments in Ukraine in 2014–2015. Without being amnestied, these people will be unable to participate in elections, which will make any election results questionable. The OSCE will not endorse this."

Süd-Ost Ukraine am Rand der humanitären Katastrophe

"of course, the humanitarian situation is extremely alarming. The economy of southeastern Ukraine is deteriorating, that part of Ukraine is blockaded, and the German Chancellor’s initiative on the restoration of the banking system in the region there has been rejected. Tens of thousands of people are living on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe."

Russland steht mehr hinter der Umsetzung des Minsker Abkommens als die Ukraine

"I must say that Russia has shown and will continue to show reasonable flexibility in the implementation of the Minsk Agreements where this doesn’t contradict their essence. But we can’t do what is not in our competence. That is, we cannot implement the political and legal obligations of the Kiev government. This is under the direct authority of the President, the Government and the Parliament of Ukraine. But unfortunately, it appears that they don’t have the will or a desire to do it. I think this has become obvious to everyone"

Quelle: Externer Link:

Auszüge aus der Rede von US-Außenminister John Kerry (13. Februar 2016)

Die USA und Europa halten bei der Unterstützung der Ukraine gegen Russland fest zusammen

"And nowhere is that more clear than in our joint, unwavering support for a democratic Ukraine. Our European partners, you, deserve enormous credit for showing the resolve you have shown and the common purpose you have summoned, in order to stand up to Russia’s repeated aggression. And I am confident that Europe and the United States are going to continue to stand united, both in sustaining sanctions for as long as they are necessary and in providing needed assistance to Ukraine until the sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine is protected through the full implementation of the Minsk agreement."

Russland hat die Wahl: Entweder es erfüllt die Regelungen des Minsker Abkommens, oder es leidet weiterhin wirtschaftlich unter den verhängten Sanktionen

"Russia has a simple choice: fully implement Minsk or continue to face economically damaging sanctions. And the path to sanctions relief is clear: withdraw weapons and troops from the Donbas; ensure that all Ukrainian hostages are returned; allow full humanitarian access to occupied territories, which, by the way, is required by international law and by several United Nations resolutions; support free, fair, and internationally-monitored elections in the Donbas under Ukrainian law; and restore Ukraine’s control of its side of the international border, which belongs to it. Put plainly, Russia can prove by its actions that it will respect Ukraine’s sovereignty, just as it insists on respect for its own."

Das Demokratiepotenzial der Ukraine ist heute höher als je zuvor

"Ukraine has responsibilities with respect to Minsk—and it’s critical that Kyiv upholds its end of the bargain. But Ukraine’s democratic potential is clearly far brighter today than it was when we met here several years ago, far brighter even than it was before the brave protests in the Maidan. And with our transatlantic support, 2016 has all the potential possible—all the groundwork laid through the good work of Germany and France and the Normandy format and though the support of other countries—to be able to make 2016 the year that Ukraine proves reform can triumph over corruption. And we call on all of the country’s elected leaders to demonstrate the unity, the integrity, and the courage that their people are demanding."

Die USA verstärken das Engagement in der europäischen Sicherheit

"Now, in addition to our joint focus on Ukraine, the United States has significantly upgraded our commitment to European security with a planned fourfold increase in our spending on the European Reassurance Initiative, from just under $790 million to $3.4 billion. This will allow us to maintain a division’s worth of equipment in Europe and an additional combat brigade in Central and Eastern Europe, making our support—and NATO’s—more visible and more tangible."

Quelle: Externer Link:

Zusammengestellt von Aron Trieb
