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Dokumentation: Aktuelle Berichte und Wortmeldungen | Ukraine-Analysen |

Ukraine Herausforderungen für die ukrainische Landwirtschaft (13.12.2024) Editorial: Über 1.000 Tage Angriffskrieg. Wohin geht es für die ukrainische Landwirtschaft? Analyse: Die ukrainische Landwirtschaft und die EU: Passt das? Analyse: Auswirkungen des russischen Angriffskrieges auf den landwirtschaftlichen Arbeitsmarkt der Ukraine Chronik: Hinweis auf die Online-Chronik Verhältnis zur belarusischen Opposition (28.11.2024) Analyse: Kyjiws strategische Distanz zur belarusischen Opposition dekoder: "Die Belarussen müssen verstehen, dass unsere Zukunft von uns selbst abhängt" Umfragen: Meinung in der Ukraine zu Belarus’ Kriegsbeteiligung Umfragen: Unterstützung in Belarus von Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine Chronik: Hinweis auf die Online-Chronik Energieversorgung / Grüne Transformation (09.10.2024) Analyse: (Wie) Lässt sich die Energiekrise in der Ukraine abwenden? Analyse: Eine stärkere Integration des Stromnetzes in die EU kann der Ukraine helfen, die nächsten Winter zu überstehen Statistik: Stromimporte aus EU-Staaten Analyse: Resilienz wieder aufbauen: Die Rolle des ukrainischen Klimabüros bei der grünen Transformation Chronik: Hinweis auf die Online-Chronik EU-Beitrittsprozess (29.07.2024) Analyse: Die Ukraine und die EU: Erweiterungspolitik ohne Alternative? Analyse: Wie schnell bewegt sich die Ukraine auf die EU zu, in welchen Bereichen gibt es große Fortschritte und in welchen nicht? Statistik: Stand der Ukraine im EU-Beitrittsprozess Umfragen: Öffentliche Meinung in der Ukraine und in ausgewählten EU-Ländern zum EU-Beitritt der Ukraine Chronik: Hinweis auf die Online-Chronik Beziehungen zu Polen / Beziehungen zur Slowakei (26.06.2024) Analyse: Die Entwicklung der ukrainisch-polnischen Beziehungen seit Beginn der russischen Vollinvasion Analyse: Pragmatisch, indifferent, gut? Über den Zustand der ukrainisch-slowakischen Beziehungen Statistik: Handel der Ukraine mit ihren Nachbarländern Statistik: Ukrainische Geflüchtete in den Nachbarstaaten der Ukraine Umfragen: Die Einstellung der ukrainischen Bevölkerung zu den Nachbarländern der Ukraine Umfragen: Die Einstellung der polnischen Bevölkerung zu Geflüchteten aus der Ukraine Chronik: 21. bis 31. Mai 2024 Exekutiv-legislative Beziehungen und die Zentralisierung der Macht im Krieg (30.05.2024) Analyse: Das Verhältnis zwischen Legislative und Exekutive in Zeiten des Krieges: Die Ukraine seit Beginn der russischen Vollinvasion Analyse: Wie schnell werden Gesetzentwürfe von der Werchowna Rada verabschiedet? Wie kann der Prozess effizienter gestaltet werden? Chronik: 1. bis 30. April 2024 Arbeitsmarktintegration ukrainischer Geflüchteter / Ukrainische Community in Deutschland / Deutsch-ukrainische kommunale Partnerschaften (29.04.2024) Analyse: Arbeitsmarktintegration der ukrainischen Geflüchteten in Deutschland Statistik: Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt Analyse: Die ukrainische Community in Deutschland Analyse: (Un)genutzte Potenziale in den deutsch-ukrainischen Kommunal- und Regionalpartnerschaften Dokumentation: Übersicht deutsch-ukrainischer Partnerschaften Chronik: 11. bis 31. März 2024 10 Jahre Krim-Annexion / Donbas nach der Annexion 2022 (21.03.2024) Analyse: Zehn Jahre russische Annexion: Die aktuelle Lage auf der Krim Dokumentation: Reporters Without Borders: Ten years of Russian occupation in Crimea: a decade of repression of local independent journalism Dokumentation: Europarat: Crimean Tatars’ struggle for human rights Statistik: Repressive Gerichtsverfahren auf der Krim und in Sewastopol Analyse: Die Lage im annektierten Donbas zwei Jahre nach dem 24. Februar 2022 Umfragen: Öffentliche Meinung zur Krim und zum Donbas Chronik: 22. Februar bis 10. März 2024 Wirtschaft / Rohstoffe / Kriegsschäden und Wiederaufbau (15.03.2024) Analyse: Wirtschaftliche Widerstandsfähigkeit in einer schwierigen Gesamtlage Analyse: Die Rohstoffe der Ukraine und ihre strategische Bedeutung Analyse: Schäden und Wiederaufbau der ukrainischen Infrastruktur Chronik: 11. Januar bis 21. Februar 2024 Zwei Jahre Angriffskrieg: Rückblick, aktuelle Lage und Ausblick (23.02.2024) Analyse: Zwei Jahre russischer Angriffskrieg. Welche politischen, militärischen und strategischen Erkenntnisse lassen sich ziehen? Kommentar: Die aktuelle Lage an der Front Kommentar: Wie sich der russisch-ukrainische Krieg 2024 entwickeln könnte Kommentar: Die Ukraine wird sich nicht durchsetzen, wenn der Westen seine eigene Handlungsfähigkeit verleugnet Kommentar: Wie funktioniert das ukrainische Parlament in Kriegszeiten? Kommentar: Wie die Wahrnehmung des Staates sich durch den Krieg gewandelt hat Umfragen: Stimmung in der Bevölkerung Statistik: Verluste an Militärmaterial der russischen und ukrainischen Armee Statistik: Russische Raketen- und Drohnenangriffe, Verbrauch von Artilleriegranaten, Materialverluste im Kampf um Awdijiwka Folgen des russischen Angriffskriegs für die ukrainische Landwirtschaft (09.02.2024) Analyse: Zwischenbilanz zum Krieg: Schäden und Verluste der ukrainischen Landwirtschaft Analyse: Satellitendaten zeigen hohen Verlust an ukrainischen Anbauflächen als Folge der russischen Invasion Statistik: Getreideexporte Chronik: 17. Dezember 2023 bis 10. Januar 2024 Kunst, Musik und Krieg (18.01.2024) Analyse: Ukrainische Künstler:innen im Widerstand gegen die großangelegte Invasion: Dekolonialisierung in der Kunst nach dem 24. Februar 2022 Analyse: Musik und Krieg Dokumentation: Ukrainische Musiker:innen, die durch die russische Invasion umgekommen sind Statistik: "De-Russifizierung" der ukrainischen Youtube-Musik-Charts Umfragen: Änderung des Hörverhaltens seit der großangelegten Invasion Chronik: 21. November bis 16. Dezember 2023 Weitere Angebote der bpb Redaktion

Dokumentation: Aktuelle Berichte und Wortmeldungen UN-Bericht: Lage der Menschenrechte in der Ukraine / Amnesty International: Keine Amnestie für Folter durch beiden Seiten des Konflikts / Erklärung der ukrainischen und russischen Medienorganisationen zur Medienfreiheit

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Verschiedene Wortmeldungen zur Ukaine-Krise verdeutlichen die dramatische Lage.

Ukrainische Flüchtlinge: Welche wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen hat der Konflikt in der Ostukraine? (© picture-alliance/dpa)

UN-Bericht über die Lage der Menschenrechte in der Ukraine

Ivan Šimonović, beigeordneter Generalsekretär mit Zuständigkeit für Menschenrechte, über den UN-Bericht zur Menschenrechtslage in der Ukraine (23.09.2014)

A United Nations report on the human rights situation in Ukraine says that national and international help is urgently needed to cope with what could become a humanitarian emergency in the country. Presenting the report to the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Ivan Šimonović, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, said that a disastrous winter awaits thousands of people who have been forced to flee their homes in Ukraine unless help arrives soon. The report covered the period from 21 November 2013 to 5 September 2014 and combines information on key human rights developments and concerns from five reports issued by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) between 15 April and 29 August 2014, using information from the United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine. The report said that armed conflict in eastern Ukraine has led to a dramatic increase in the number of internally displaced people (IDPs), with about half the population of Luhansk and one third of the population of Donetsk having fled. In one month, between early August and early September, the number of registered displaced people doubled. As of 18 September, 275,498 people were registered as IDPs. However, the actual number of unregistered internally displaced people may be two to three times higher. According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), around 378,000 people have crossed the border into the Russian Federation in recent months. Šimonović said that, as of 21 September, the registered death toll from the crisis in Ukraine was 3,543, which includes the 298 victims of the Malaysian plane crash. He said this number covers killings registered only by available sources and that the actual number is likely to be significantly higher. The report showed a sharp rise in killings, in particular between mid-July and the end of August. Between mid-April and mid-July, human rights monitors registered that at least 11 people, on average, were being killed every day. Between mid-July and mid-August that figure had more than tripled to an average of 36 people being killed each day. By the 5 September ceasefire an average of 42 people were killed every day. After the signing of the ceasefire agreement, there has been a marked decrease in killings, with the daily average now below 10 killings a day. The report also said that the Ukrainian Government must ensure that all allegations of human rights abuses and violations are fully investigated and that all international human rights norms and standards, including the presumption of innocence, due process and judicial guarantees, are strictly adhered to with regard to violations committed by both armed groups and the Ukrainian military or their volunteer battalions. It says that perpetrators of serious violations of international law during the conflict must be brought to justice in order to guarantee individual accountability for actions, including in cases of command responsibility. Šimonović said that many victims of human rights abuses by both government and armed groups are afraid to come forward for fear of reprisals. He also said that everyone in Ukraine has the right to due process and equality before the law and added that, in that context, the new counter-terrorism laws are a matter of concern. The laws substantially expand the authority of the prosecutor and lengthen the time of preventive detention from 60 hours to 30 days, which Šimonović noted it is inconsistent with international human rights standards.

Quelle: "A United Nations report on the human rights situation in Ukraine says that national and international help is urgently needed to cope with what could become a humanitarian emergency in the country", UNIFEED-UNTV, Posted at: September 23, 2014 4:40 pm, Externer Link:

Lesetipp: Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of human rights in Ukraine, 19 September 2014, Externer Link:

Amnesty International: Keine Amnestie für Folter durch beiden Seiten des Konflikts

Ukraine: No amnesty for torture committed by either side in the conflict (press release, 22.09.2014)

An amnesty bill passed by the Ukrainian parliament on 16 September 2014 and expected to be signed into law by President Petro Poroshenko soon, should not become a vehicle for denying the right of victims to justice. The law has been passed as part of the Ukrainian government’s efforts to bring to an end the conflict in the east of the country. It proposes waiving criminal responsibility for crimes committed by ‘armed formations’ from 22 February 2014 onwards, and lists a number of serious crimes to which the amnesty will not be extended. However, the parliament-approved bill does not include torture and other ill-treatment in this list of exceptions. Amnesty International has documented numerous incidents of torture and other ill-treatment being used against captives by members of separatist armed groups, as well as of pro-Ukrainian forces in east Ukraine. The organization has repeatedly called for such abuses to be promptly, impartially and thoroughly investigated to ensure that those responsible are brought to justice in accordance with Ukraine’s obligations under international law. The Ukrainian government must ensure that perpetrators of all gross abuses of human rights and all acts carried out in the context of the fighting that amounted to crimes under international law, including war crimes and other grave abuses of human rights or international humanitarian, are held accountable, and that full reparation is awarded to victims and their families. International law prohibits amnesties or similar measures for acts carried out in the context of a conflict that amounts to crimes under international law, including grave abuses of human rights or international humanitarian law, and which prevent the emergence of the truth, a final judicial determination of guilt or innocence, and full reparation for the victims. Anyone who is reasonably suspected of being responsible for such crimes, including those in positions of command who knew or should have known that those under their command were committing or had committed such crimes and did not take all measures in their power to prevent, suppress or report such crimes, must be investigated and, if there is sufficient admissible evidence, be prosecuted and brought to trial in proceedings which comply with international law and standards on fair trial. Amnesty International strongly urges President Poroshenko to ensure that before he signs the bill, it is amended to include torture and other grave human rights violations and violations of international humanitarian law in its list of crimes which will not be covered by the amnesty. Until this is done, the bill will only serve to facilitate the perpetuation of abuses by both sides to the conflict, endorse impunity for the perpetrators and deny justice to the victims.

Quelle: Amnesty International Public Statement, f-4a47-a256-0f72656e9db0/eur500412014en.pdf

Erklärung der ukrainischen und russischen Medienorganisationen zur Medienfreiheit

Statement by Ukrainian and Russian media organizations adopted following a meeting at the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media (26.09.2014)

Representatives of media organizations of Ukraine (the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine and the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine) and the Russian Federation (the Russian Union of Journalists) condemned the incidents of killing, beating and detention of journalists in the zone of armed conflict in eastern Ukraine during a meeting at the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media in Vienna on 26 September 2014. Since May 2014, journalists Andrea Rocchelli, Andrey Mironov, Anton Voloshin, Igor Kornelyuk, Anatoliy Klyan and Andrey Stenin have been killed. Dozens of journalists have been detained, among them Yury Lelyavsky, Roman Cheremsky, Valeriy Makeyev, Yegor Vorobyov, Alexander Bilokobylsky and Sergei Sakadynsky who are still being held captive. Dozens of media workers face difficulties while performing their professional duties. Representatives of media organizations of Ukraine and Russia consider unacceptable the obstruction of journalists carrying out their professional duties and call for an immediate investigation of the facts concerning the deaths of all journalists and for an immediate release of all detained media workers. Participants in the meeting agreed to continue the joint meetings and cooperation and to undertake the necessary efforts regarding matters such as the safety of journalists, the development of professional media and de-escalation of the conflict in Ukraine. Vienna, 26 September 2014

Quelle: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Externer Link:
