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Civic Education and Democratisation in the Eastern Partnership Countries |

Civic Education and Democratisation in the Eastern Partnership Countries


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In 2009, the European Union initiated the European Partnership with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine to encourage political association of these countries with the EU. The fact that civic education is often regarded with scepticism in these formerly socialist countries is no surprise. Memories of state propaganda are still vivid. Similarly, external sources of funding – aside from the EU, primarily by Russia – are suspected of using their engagement as a means to further their own interests. However, a vibrant civil society has developed in several countries.

The protests on the Maidan in Kiev are just one example, perhaps the most prominent one, of developments taking place in post-socialist countries under the specific national conditions. The texts of this volume examine the relationship between civic education and democratization in the Eastern Partnership countries. They take stock, look out into the future, identify obstacles and allow a diverse range of voices to have their say.

Interner Link: PDF







Dieter Segert


Bd. 1697





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