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USA: Land of immigration
The history of the United States as the number one immigration country is far without hardship and bloodshed and begins around 1500 with the colonization of America. This video gives a brief overview and sheds light on the most important immigration flows and laws.
How has the US changed as a nation of immigration over the centuries? This video shows different stages in the eventful history of immigration, such as the year 1619 when the first enslaved Africans arrived in Virginia, the racist Immigration Act of 1924, which regulated how many people from which nations were allowed to immigrate, or the changed political debate after 2000, which focused primarily on the issue of irregular immigration.
For the German version of this video, click here: Externer Link: Einwanderungsland USA
Mehr Informationen
Herausgeber: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb, Bonn / Verantwortlich gemäß §§ 18 MSTV: Thorsten Schilling / Redaktion: Marion Bacher, Jan-Philipp Kohlmann / Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit: Dr. Markus B. Siewert / Produktion: DERGESTALT (dergestalt.at) / Regie, Skript: Fabian Lang / Illustration & Animation: Ulrich Frey / Animation: Valentina Morianz / Recherche: Gerald Gartner / Musik & Sound: Bernd Ammann / Sprache: Johanna Sophia Baader / Quellen: MIgration Policy Institute, U.S. Census Bureau, Pew Research Center / Archivmaterial: Prelinger Archives (Coronet Instructional Films), U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Border Patrol Museum, Loomis Dean (LIFE Picture Collection, Shutterstock)
Produktion: 01.11.2021
Spieldauer: 4 Min.
hrsg. von: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb
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