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USA: Segregated schools
Officially, segregated classrooms have been banned in the US since 1954. Unofficially, black students are still disproportionately often enrolled in minority-only schools. This video gives a very brief introduction to the roots of educational injustice in the US.
Students in the United States are often stuck in a negative spiral: The lower their level of education, the lower their income will be later on. And the lower their income, the worse are the schools their children will attend. African-Americans and other minorities are particularly affected by this. This video gives a brief overview about the consequences of the Supreme Court's landmark decision of Brown v. Board of Education, which banned segregated schools in the US.
For the German version of this video, click here: Externer Link: Bildung in den USA
Mehr Informationen
Herausgeber: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb, Bonn Verantwortlich gemäß §§ 18 MSTV: Thorsten Schilling / Redaktion: Marion Bacher, Jan-Philipp Kohlmann / Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit: Dr. Markus B. Siewert / Produktion: DERGESTALT (dergestalt.at) / Regie, Skript: Fabian Lang / Illustration & Animation: Ulrich Frey / Animation: Valentina Morianz / Recherche: Gerald Gartner / Musik & Sound: Bernd Ammann Sprache: Johanna Sophia Baader / Quellen: The Civil Rights Project, Coleman Report, National Bureau of Economic Research, The Century Foundation Archivmaterial: National Archive (U.S. Information Agency)
Produktion: 01.11.2021
Spieldauer: 3 Min.
hrsg. von: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb
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