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Sybille Krämer: Cultural history of digitisation Contribution to the lecture series "Making sense of the digital society"
The philosopher Sybille Krämer tries to dissolve the connection between digitisation and computer technology in order to understand why digitalisation can penetrate our lives and our society so quickly and so profoundly.
It is often assumed that digitisation and computer technology are inseparably linked. However, digitality is part of a much older cultural history, namely the symbols and signs that people have been inventing and developing since the first cave paintings, the first characters and mathematical symbols humans used to describe, structure and share their world. Digitisation thus did not come through machine technology, but rather through early symbolization practices. In this light, the alphabet is a prototype of a digital system, but also all the counting systems that quantify and make our world comparable. In her lecture, the philosopher Sybille Krämer therefore tries to dissolve the connection between digitisation and computer technology in order to understand why digitalisation can penetrate our lives and our society so quickly and so profoundly. In fact, there are answers to the questions “What is the meaning of digital?” and “What is the meaning of digitalisation?” that reach beyond computer technology.
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Sascha Scheier (bpb
Tobi Müller (Presenter)
Sybille Krämer (Speaker)
Kamera & Schnitt: Kooperative Berlin
Produktion: 13.02.2020
Spieldauer: 117 Min.
hrsg. von: bpb, HIIG
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