1. Ethical Aspects of Algorithms and Scoring in Social Work Contexts
2. ‘Objectivity’ of Technology - Disguise of and Implicit Normativity and Normalism
3.Subjectivation and Moral Delegitimation of ‘Underclass
4. The actuarial logic of risk assessment systems raises the question what cases but especially what subjects are being constructed by using scoring criteria differentiating people into reliable or non-reliable resp. deserving and undeserving ones.
5. What Works Logic, Recognition of the Individual Situation and Stigmatization
6. The Dilemma of Low-Threshold and Reaching Target Groups of Services vs. Client Data Protection Empirical findings on "algorithmic bias" show that the discrimination of certain social groups in the population is reproduced again within the framework of algorithmic calculations, since either the algorithms are designed in this way or the data they process carry this bias within them (Angwin et al. 2016). Against this background, the risk of structural and potentially non-transparent reproduction of social inequalities - also in access to social services - is a problem to which Virginia Eubanks points (Eubanks 2018).
Autonomy or Subjectivation
In the context of "Liquid Surveillance" inscribed in digital media (Bauman/Lyon 2013), these include the possibility that a subjectively perceived gain in autonomy does not exclude or even conceal subjection to a future - or even current - powerful lack of freedom on the basis of digital data. In the sense of a "governmediality" (Traue 2009), the users of digital media experience themselves as autonomous actors, but at the same time submit to the structures and forms of representation of the media structures.
Mehr Informationen
Produktion: 11.10.2019
Spieldauer: 26 Min.
hrsg. von: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb
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