The more super-scoring is used in the future, the more humans will be affected by new dangers. In order to properly understand this hypothesis, two useful sociological differences must be considered (Luhmann 1991b). While specific actors or institutions can be held accountable for the risks, "no one" is responsible for the dangers–except the gods, nature or fate. In modern societies, science and technology have increasingly transformeddangers into allocable, predictable risks.
A shift from risk to danger communication must further acknowledge that neither ideal worlds nor controllable laboratories exist. Controlled laboratories may be the appropriatesettingfor technical experiments, but not for the simulation of real societies.
When people become affected by new dangers through scoring, then aspects of the human experience are lost. Maybe this quote by Walter Benjamin is a nice way to conclude this lecture: "What otherssee as deviations is the data that determines my course."
Mehr Informationen
Produktion: 11.10.2019
Spieldauer: 22 Min.
hrsg. von: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb
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