"Nuwagaba Mushin Kaduyu and Laura García Pesquera about Peer-to-Peer-Approaches and Prevention on the Internet" herunterladen als:
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Nuwagaba Mushin Kaduyu and Laura García Pesquera about Peer-to-Peer-Approaches and Prevention on the Internet
Interview with Nuwagaba Mushin Kaduyu, Allied Muslim Youth Uganda und Laura García Pesquera, Rewind, Madrid, Spain
This interview was conducted during the conference "Glocal Islamism 2019 - Phenomena, Interdependencies, Prevention”.
The full documentation is available under:
This publication does not constitute an expression of the views of the Federal Agency for Civic Education. Responsibility for the content lies with the interview partner. Please refer to our further print and online publications as well as to our event calendar. There, further reading and other supplementary materials on the subject, as well as diverging arguments and perspectives, are offered.
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Cinematography and editing: Musebox Videoproduktion & Rami Hamze Interview: Viola Röser
Produktion: 16.10.2019
Spieldauer: 5 Min.
hrsg. von: Federal Agency for Civic Education
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