Modern institutions, both public and private, rely on tools and procedures that track individuals, assess their behavior, and assign them membership in various categories. They use them, variously, in their efforts to monitor conduct, calculate risk, or extract value. These classifications distribute value, rank people and things, and shape their future lives. How is social order constituted and legitimated in a society ruled by digital classifiers and associated actuarial techniques? What do these developments mean for fundamental principles such as equality and fairness? What are the moral implications of looking at individuals through the lens of these new classificatory architectures? And how do we justify the use of techniques that are growing ever more efficient at predicting outcomes but are ever less amenable to human sense making?
Marion Fourcade is professor of sociology at UC Berkeley and an associate fellow of the Max Planck – Sciences Po Center on coping with instability in market societies. Fourcade’s upcoming book The Ordinal Society investigates new forms of social stratification and morality in the digital economy.
Mehr Informationen
Moderator: Tobi Müller
Camera & Postproduction: Kooperative Berlin
Produktion: 07.05.2018
Spieldauer: 69 Min.
hrsg. von: Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) and Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG)
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