What makes people want to flee from home? How do refugee children experience the loss of friends or family and the arrival in the unfamiliar new home country? Refugee children from around the world share their story in “Seeking Refuge”, a series of five short animated films: Ali from Afghanistan, Juliane from Zimbabwe, Navid from Iran, Rachel from Eurasia and Hamid from Eritrea. They speak about their flight from home, their concerns and fears, their hopes and dreams.
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Animation: Salvador Maldonado, Tom Senior, Jonathan Topf, Karl Hammond
Music and Sound Effects: Alexander Parsons
Editor: Daniela Hindemith
Produktion: 2013
Spieldauer: 5 Min.
hrsg. von: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
Verfügbar bis: 31.08.2026
© 2013 Mosaic Films