The current situation of democratic systems can be characterised as fragile. The loss of confidence in a democratic order, challenged by populism, propaganda and authoritarianism, is one of the reasons for this fragility. Structures of globalised corruption also contribute to the destabilisation of modern societies. Nevertheless, in many countries ‘grassroot' movements are fighting corruption at an institutional as well as non-governmental level. What is the current situation of different governmental, institutional or private players within the fight against corruption?
Which strategies are most effective and have a positive impact on governments and societies? How can civil-society-actors contribute to these strategies?
Welcome: Thomas Krüger (President, Federal Agency for Civic Education, Germany)
Welcome: Johannes Ebert (Secretary General, Goethe-Institut, Germany)
Keynote: Peter Eigen (Founder of Transparency International and HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform, Germany)
Dialogue between Peter Eigen (Founder of Transparency International, HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform, Germany) and Constantin Schreiber (Journalist and Moderator, ARD, Germany)
For a written summary of the opening, see: Externer Link:
Mehr Informationen
Produktion: 16. Juni 2017
Spieldauer: 115 Min.
hrsg. von: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
© 2017 Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung