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I think we use the word education a little bit exaggerated. Education is mathematics, biology, art is something different. Culture is something different. We use this expression beacause we don't possess a better one but it's not to learn, not to teach the children, it's rather to get them to the culture and to the arts and then you have many benefits. Of course it's very difficult to describe it in simple words because usually they're not direct benefits. Culture benefits all the life. This is important. Sometimes you have this problem when you're talking about cultural education in school. Cultural education is a little bit different to the rest of school education. I believe it should be one of the most important part of school activity. Unfortunately it is not now, but it should be the very important part of the activity. If you'd like to think about school, about modern school, not as the house of teaching children but also bringing up or opening the windows for the future.
Something more is more important. It's the creation of the human. Humans cannot exist without arts and culture that's proved by all the history of humankind and I believe that's one of the most important divisions between human and other living creatures. Humans have the arts, and it's part of the humanity. The dangerous now is that the art is getting a little bit to easy, it's floating on the surfaces and we'd like the art to be a little bit deeper inside the humanity. This is also the place for school to act.
In this project kids are making a film. It's unusual beacause there a many such projects. What's very special for this project is that we really take care that the children or young people – they're about 13 and 15 years old – do the whole film step by step. The first meeting is about why do we want to do this film. This why means what is our message. We start from the message. Making the film is not just about having fun, it's also about having the say – children have the say in this case. From this point step by step: script-writing, preparation of shooting, shooting, and all the stuff till the premiere. The goal is to make them humans. The second goal is to make them more wise consumers of the culture of course including this popculture thats needs wisdom of the consumer.
Redaktion: Tatjana Brode
Kamera: Eileen Kühne
Schnitt: Oliver Plata
Das Interview entstand auf dem europäischen Kongress "Lernen aus der Praxis" vom 22.-24. September 2005.
Jerzy Moszkowicz: Creation of the human
/ 2 Minuten zu lesen
Something more is more important. It's the creation of the human. Humans cannot exist without arts and culture that's proved by all the history of humankind.
Creation of the human
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