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MUNOL (Model United Nations of Luebeck) | Planspiele |

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MUNOL (Model United Nations of Luebeck)


Mind. 300 bis max. 350


Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II


mehrtägig - From 2 hours with mere debate, to a day including lobbying or an all-out conference spanning over several days.

Preis Durchführung:

30-60 €

Benötigte Ausstattung:

Country placards, plenty of paper for notes, amendments and resolutions.


MUNOL ist eine Simulation mit dem Ziel, die Arbeit der Vereinten Nationen, von NGOs und Themen wie Globalisierung und internationale Diplomatie verständlich zu machen. Konferenzsprache ist Englisch.


Model United Nations (also known as "MUN") is a simulation education activity focusing on civics, communications, globalization and multilateral diplomacy. Since the official language is English, students are able to improve their language skills according to rhetorical speaking and debating. Furthermore MUNOL is a great opportunity to make new friends from all over Europe.


The President of the General Assembly (PGA) declares the session as open. Opening Speeches are held after the official opening of the conference in the General Assembly. During the MUNOL week, the delegates are going to evaluate resolutions in their committee / their council, which will be discussed in the General Assembly. MUNOL simulates the six committees of the General Assembly plus several councils, such as the Security Council, Human Rights Council and Economic and Social Council.

Inhaltliche Vorbereitung der Teilnehmer:

Delegates should research and generally follow the policies of their country. It is vitally important for each delegate to do an intensive research on their appointed country. The research should be intensively, in order to represent the country adequately. Therefore a working paper is a written out of a country’s point of view about one issue under discussion that shows the format of a draft resolution. It is to be prepared by each delegate prior to the opening of the official conference. Working papers are intended to aid the forum in its discussion and formulation of draft resolutions.


further information will be provided at:
Externer Link:

Conference Manager
Nils Gravenhorst

Roonstraße 10
23566 Luebeck

Telefon: +49 (0) 451 - 58 59 404
E-Mail: Externer Link:
Website: Externer Link:

Christan Kreuder-Sonnen
Implerstr. 2
Telefon: +49 (0) 89 726 324 17
E-Mail: Externer Link:
Website: Externer Link: