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M 03.02 Song: "What if" | Mobbing – bei uns nicht?! |

Mobbing – bei uns nicht?! Didaktische Konzeption Sachanalyse Einstieg in die Befragung (B1) M 01.01 Words Hurt (Film) M 01.02 Ist das schon Mobbing? M 01.03 Fragebogen zum Thema M 01.04 Wie arbeiten Sozialwissenschaftler? Info 01.01 Words Hurt Info 01.02 Fragebogen zum Thema Mobbing (B2) M 02.01 Erscheinungsformen M 02.02 Verbreitung von Mobbing M 02.03 Täter - warum wird jemand zum Mobber? M 02.04 Interview mit den Tätern M 02.05 Wie fühlt sich ein Mobbingopfer? M 02.06 Welche Folgen hat Mobbing für die Opfer? M 02.07 Die Rolle der Mitläufer und Zuschauer Info 02.01 Erscheinungsformen (Musterlösung) Info 02.02 Rolle des Lehrers Info 02.03 Anzeichen für Mobbing Info 02.04 Spot "Red-haired" Info 02.05 Rollenschema Cybermobbing (B3) M 03.01 Spot: Stop Cybermobbing M 03.02 Song: "What if" M 03.03 Neue Medien – Neues Mobbing? M 03.04 Erscheinungsformen M 03.05 Verfolgt im Cyberspace M 03.06 Gesetzeslage M 03.07 Wie kann ich mich gegen Cybermobbing schützen? M 03.08 Spot: "Folgenschwer" Info 03.01 Wie kann Cybermobbing aussehen? Auswertung der Befragung (B4) M 04.01 Fragebogen: Mobbing und Gewalt M 04.02 Hypothesen M 04.03 Arbeitsblatt: Hypothesen bilden M 04.04 Beispiel: Einfache Häufigkeitsauszählung M 04.05 Wie liest man eine Statistik? M 04.06 Arbeitsblatt: Einfache Häufigkeitsauszählung M 04.07 Ampelsystem M 04.08 Arbeitsblatt: Sechs-Punkte-Schema M 04.09 Hilfen zur Auswertung M 04.10 Auswertung offener Fragen Info 04.01 Beispiel: Einfache Häufigkeitsauszählung Info 04.02 Erstellung einer einfachen Häufigkeitsauszählung Info 04.03 Checkliste: Datenauswertung Info 04.04 Kreuztabellen Info 04.05 Vorbereitung der Datenauswertung Konsequenzen (B5) Info 05.01 Von den Daten zur Maßnahme Info 05.02 Gut gemeint, aber... Info 05.03 Farsta-Methode Info 05.04 No Blame Approach Info 05.05 Präventives Sozialtraining Info 05.06 Mobbing-Dreieck Info 05.07 Ring frei! Info 05.08 Ja-Sagen Info 05.09 Stopp-/Nein-Sagen Info 05.10 Mauer-/ Türsteherspiel Info 05.11 Klassenvertrag Info 05.12 Muster eines Klassenvertrags Literaturtipps Redaktion

M 03.02 Song: "What if"

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In diesem Videoclip "What if" werden Sequenzen aus den Antimobbing-Spots des schwedischen Interventionsprojekts Friends aufgegriffen, um das Thema Mobbing musikalisch zu thematisieren.

Musikvideo: Friends featuring Darin - What If (GrafStat, Mobbing)


Musikvideo: Friends featuring Darin - What If (GrafStat, Mobbing)


Video Friends featuring Darin - What If auf der Videoplattform Externer Link: Youtube.

SongtextFriends featuring Darin - What If

Just imagine how you would feel If you would be the one they're picking on Would you would you be the who's gonna stand up strong Honestly Would you let us lie break down and cry, oh Would you would you would you Never let nobody step on your right


What if it was your brother sister mother father child Then would it still be cool Why can't you see your words are hurting Everybody deserves to be themselves and no one else So think before you move


What about if that was you That would the victim (victim) Of the critisism and they treated you that cruel What about if that was you That would be bullied (bullied) How would you feel if they were doing it to you

What about if that was you How would you would you would you feel Honestly How would you would you would you feel If they were doing it to you

Just imagine how you would feel If everybody always laughed at you Would you would you would you They think it's okey with me and you If you were me And the people 'round you were having you down now Would you would you would you Like if they did that to you


What if it was your brother sister mother father child Then would it still be cool Why can't you see your words are hurting Everybody deserves to be themselves and no one else So think before you move


What about if that was you That would the victim (victim) Of the critisism and they treated you that cruel What about if that was you That would be bullied (bullied) How would you feel if they were doing it to you

What about if that was you How would you would you would you feel Honestly How would you would you would you feel If they were doing it to you

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