Scholarship program for dedicated Europeans from Central and Southeastern Europe at the start of their careers
Between 2008 and 2016, Germany’s federal agency for civic education and the Robert Bosch Stiftung have awarded 99 scholarships to qualified individuals, dedicated to advancing political and civic education in their home countries.
Each year, up to 16 scholarships were awarded to committed Europeans from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey.
The program was geared toward people just starting their career and who are interested in meeting and networking with people internationally. One important criteria of selection was a strong engagement in advocating democracy and civic responsibility in their countries and active work in the field of civic education.
The program’s participants spent a period of ten to 12 weeks at a guest institution in Germany active in civic education. There they worked with their German colleagues and built networks for future international partnerships. During their stay, the scholarship recipients were either involved in specific projects at the guest institutions or prepared their own project working together with the guest institutions. Three seminars (an introductory seminar, interim seminar, and closing seminar) were a fixed part of the program. In May 2016 the scholarship program officially terminated with a closing ceremony in Berlin after eight successful years.
Short info about the Program
Former project manager: Christiane Toyka-Seid
Externer Link: More information in German