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Relaunch for euro|topics: Europe's Debates at a Glance | Presse |

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Relaunch for euro|topics: Europe's Debates at a Glance euro|topics now available with a new format and design. / Focussed on European debates / optimized for all devices

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The Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) has relaunched its euro|topics website with a fresh design and new functions. The daily press review keeps you up to date on Europe's key debates and is available in German, English and French.

With the relaunch, the commentaries in the daily press review are now allocated to a specific debate depending on their content. Major debates are then compiled into dossiers or presented as main topics. The Media section features a database providing background information on around 500 print and online media, as well as overviews of the media landscapes in 30 European countries. The Search function can be used to browse the commentary archive by author, media outlet or keyword.

"Transcending national borders and language barriers, euro|topics shows how current issues – the refugees, terrorism or the faltering process of European integration – are being commented in the media," Thomas Krüger, the president of the bpb explains. "Faced with the huge flow of information our service enables readers to quickly gain an overview of the diversity of opinion in Europe."

euro|topics presents commentaries from the most influential and incisive print and online publications in 28 EU member states as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The press review is produced for the bpb by the journalist network n-ost.

As part of the relaunch the website has also been optimized for use on different devices and can be accessed via PCs, tablets and smartphones.

For further information or to subscribe to receive the press review for free via email, please go to Externer Link:

Press Release as Interner Link: PDF.


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