Ethnic and religious tensions as well as social polarisation increasingly shape the image of global cities. At the same time, they can be both dynamic stars in world economy and ethnic, religious or social battlegrounds. Populist and xenophobic voices can gain influence if social conflicts become ethnically and/or religiously tense. How can gentrification and segregation be tackled by urban development measures and how can social cohesion be enhanced? How can citizens participate in these processes and in the development of their cities and quarters? What is the role of cultural and citizenship education in raising civic awareness as well as participation?
- Interner Link: Naseem Akhtar, Saheli Women´s Group (UK) (PDF-Version: 396 KB)
- Interner Link: Frank Eckardt, Bauhaus University Weimar (Germany) (PDF-Version: 384 KB)
Project Presentations
- Interner Link: "Raval Communitari" and Project "08001", presented by Nuria Paricio, Director All Raval Foundation & Elisa Covelo O´Neill, All Raval Foundation (Spain) & Christian Plähn, Director of the Documentary "08001" (Germany) (PDF-Version: 272 KB)
- Interner Link: "Becoming Citizens – Engagement of young and senior citizens", presented by Ana Claudia Leu, Project Coordinator, Euroregional Center for Democracy (Romania) (PDF-Version: 291 KB)