Gallery: Closing Event
Here You will find impressions of the closing event of the NECE conference "Cities and Urban Spaces: Chances for Cultural and Citizenship Education" at Trieste, 2010.
Key Lecture: "Perspectives of Education and Participation in Urban Society", Paul Scheffer (r.) und Jörg Lau (Moderation). Foto: Tommaso Lizzul
Key Lecture: "Perspectives of Education and Participation in Urban Society", Paul Scheffer (r.) und Jörg Lau (Moderation). Foto: Tommaso Lizzul
Key Lecture: "Perspectives of Education and Participation in Urban Society", Paul Scheffer. Foto: Tommaso Lizzul
Final Remark: Phil Wood. Foto: Tommaso Lizzul
Final Remark: Phil Wood. Foto: Tommaso Lizzul
Farewell to Trieste. Foto: Tommaso Lizzul