Gallery: Opening Event
Here you find Impressions of the Opening Event of the NECE conference "Cities and Urban Spaces: Chances for Cultural and Citizenship Education" at Trieste in September/October 2010.
Opening Address: Thomas Krüger. Foto: Tommaso Lizzul
Charles Landry (Key Lecture): "The Future of Cities and the Mobilisation of Citizens´ Creative Potential". Foto: Tommaso Lizzul
Charles Landry. Foto: Tommaso Lizzul
Charles Landry. Foto: Tommaso Lizzul
Opening Panel: City – Space – Identities in the 21st Century. Foto: Tommaso Lizzul
Opening Panel: City – Space – Identities in the 21st Century. Foto: Tommaso Lizzul
Opening Panel: City – Space – Identities in the 21st Century. Foto: Tommaso Lizzul
Opening Panel: City – Space – Identities in the 21st Century. Foto: Tommaso Lizzul
Reception. Foto: Tommaso Lizzul