The provision of non-formal citizenship education for young people and adults is based on the principle of voluntary participation. Frequently, the corresponding offerings are attended by those who have a high level of formal education and an interest in political issues. Reaching educationally disadvantaged people is held to be difficult and is regarded as a major challenge. At the same time, the empowerment of educationally disadvantaged groups is of immense significance, in the interest of strengthening cohesion within society. Players in the non-formal education landscape must therefore take up the different dimensions of citizenship learning in everyday life and process them specifically for their target groups. Brief expert talks comprising practice-based presentations will examine what latitudes and access opportunities are opening up for reaching educationally disadvantaged target groups.
Project Presentations
"Civic Money – Participation in budgeting on the local level": Aim of the project is to support people traditionally passive and excluded from the civic activities in their villages in the process of the Solecki Fund implementation. The idea is learning by doing – getting civic capacities by discussing and making decisions how the public money for the community should be spend.
presented by Barbara Klimek, The Association of Leaders of Local Civic Groups (Poland)
"Aktion09 – Gib Deiner Meinung eine Stimme!" was a project on the occasion of the "Superwahljahr 2009" in Germany. The aim was to promote the political participation of youth and young adults between 15 and 25 with an educational or social disadvantaged background. 60 persons from this target group were qualified as multipliers. They were supported in planning and implementing their own political projects to reach out for other disadvantaged people in their community.
presented by Julia Pfinder, Project Manager "Aktion 09" on behalf of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Germany)
: Gabriella Patriziano, Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo, VIS (Italy)