Eastern and Southern Africa (CENESA) | Country Profiles: Citizenship Education Around the World | bpb.de

Eastern and Southern Africa (CENESA)

Civic Education Network for Eastern & Southern Africa – CENESA’s mission is to provide a regional civic education platform for mutual support, knowledge sharing, capacity building, advocacy and regional cooperation to individuals, Civil Society, private sector, state and other stakeholders.
Externer Link: www.cenesa.org


Civic and Citizenship Education in Malawi

According to the author, to most people in Malawi, Citizenship Education is about educating children and the youth, from early childhood, to become clear-thinking and enlightened citizens who…

Gray Kalindekafe

/ 12 Minuten zu lesen


Citizenship Education in Uganda

The author holds the view that civic education in Uganda has not been accorded the importance it deserves in building civic competence of the population and entrenching the democratic culture. The…

/ 12 Minuten zu lesen


Citizenship Education in Kenya

Citizenship education, popularly referred to in Kenya as civic education, has predominately revolved around imparting to the citizens' knowledge about governance and democratic processes, in order to…

Grace Maingi

/ 10 Minuten zu lesen

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Citizenship Education in Kenya

Citizenship education, popularly referred to in Kenya as civic education, has predominately revolved around imparting to the citizens' knowledge about governance and democratic processes, in order to…


Civic and Citizenship Education in Malawi

According to the author, to most people in Malawi, Citizenship Education is about educating children and the youth, from early childhood, to become clear-thinking and enlightened citizens who…

Country Profiles: Citizenship Education Around the World

Гражданское образование в Украине

Постсоветское наследие, военный конфликт на востоке Украины, ограниченность финансирования образования в…

Country Profiles: Citizenship Education Around the World

Гражданское образование в России

Одним из вызовов в России авторы считают, что несмотря на общее понимание необходимости межсекторного…

Country Profiles: Citizenship Education Around the World

Гражданское образование в Грузии

В последнее время было предпринято много успешных шагов по улучшению преподавания гражданского образования…