The project consists in a series of two summer schools that combine substantive education with skills training. It employs a multidisciplinary approach that complements Holocaust education with human rights training. In its methodology it combines collective memory workshops with the discussion of relevant cases of human rights violations and the teaching of skills to prevent and counter these violations. Topics include: identity and prejudices, group-focused enmity, scapegoating, anti-Semitism, antitsiganism, genocide, the Roma Holocaust, Holocaust education, competitive victimhood, reconciliation, memorials and remembrance, minority rights, freedom of speech and the media, strategies against the far-right. Participants attend academic lectures, interactive workshops, interactive guided walks and relevant cultural events, during which they discuss the above-mentioned issues together with lecturers and with their peers.
European Summer School on "Prejudice, Genocide, Remembrance"
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We understand Holocaust education, human rights education, and citizenship education as closely interrelated, as they address issues that sometimes differ, sometimes overlap with different approaches. This project brings a new perspective to existing citizenship education as it trains multipliers to become active in preventing racism and promote respect towards minorities.
Tom Lantos Institute, Budapest, Hungary E-Mail: E-Mail Link: Ph.: +36 7037 908-69