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Simulation to Right-Wing-Populism: Icon Committee Meeting | NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education |

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Simulation to Right-Wing-Populism: Icon Committee Meeting

Tobias Warkentin

/ 1 Minute zu lesen

This active simulation deals with the general topic "Where Now for Europe?" and plans strategies against Right Wing Populism. At this workshop young people will have the opportunity to gain insights into the principles and procedures of international relations and will work together on a resolution for the given topic.

The simulation starts with an opening speech of the Committee president. In which he presents the reasons of initiating this conference at request of some european parties, which are represented by randomly distributed role cards through the participants.

After that the participants shall prepare three speeches concerning

  1. Freedom of Movement

  2. Asylum for refugees

  3. Your opinion about the state of the Union

During that time there will be a motion to restriction of freedom of movement in plenum. At that time they have the possibility to object current motions.

After that time of discussion and possible amendments it ensues a motion to restriction of asylum for refugees with subsequent objection.

Because the right-wing coalition party Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD) is part of the simulation the participants will be faced with strong national demands like the re-establishment of borders or the abolition of freedom of movement in the European Union.

Next they have to think about other parties arguments and to give a final statement. An ending speech by the Vice President of the Committee President will try to outline the different positions.

At the end the whole participants have to vote the final motions. With that the conference is closed.


Young European Federalists North-Rhine Westphalia, Dortmund, Germany E-Mail: E-Mail Link: Ph.: +49 231 8393-02