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One Globe Kids | NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education |

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One Globe Kids

Anne Glick

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Through an intercultural story series this project reduces "othering" by helping children from four to ten years feel that they're friends with peers from other countries. The stories discuss personal identity, which reduces reliance on stereotypes, encourages acceptance of dual-identity citizenship and improves affective relations between young citizens of different countries.

One Globe Kids is a technology-based intercultural story series for 4 - 10 year old children that applies research in imagined contact, a sub-field of intergroup contact theory, to move young learners beyond prejudice and toward mutual liking, trust and friendship. Available via iOS apps and online, the intervention is accessible instantly in multiple languages across the world yet absolutely safe for young children. It is a scalable, cost-effective intervention based on research proven to reduce prejudice in young children.


Globe Smart Kids, The Netherlands, E-Mail: E-Mail Link: Ph.: +31 654 361-330