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MICC WeB - Model of International Criminal Court for Western Balkans | NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education |

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MICC WeB - Model of International Criminal Court for Western Balkans

Milan Vignjevic

/ 1 Minute zu lesen

This project aims at making young people sensitive to human rights and their protection, by opening up discussion on difficult subjects from the region's recent history and teaching them the principle of individual responsibility for violations of rights.

MICC WeB replicates the successful project of the Kreisau Initiative in the region that suffered conflict two decades ago, where the subject of war crimes is a particularly sensitive one not discussed in public, let alone in schools. MICC WeB empowers young people to engage with human rights through an intensive program comprised of simulated court cases, trainings, workshops and discussions. Through its emphasis on group work, MICC WeB lays the foundation for inter-ethnic dialogue and regional cooperation, transforming the participants into agents of change in their communities.


Open Communication/ HERMES, Belgrade, Serbia Ph.: +381 607 2000-87