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Raising awareness for othering processes through critical cultural awareness, complex cultural dialogue and mindfulness | NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education |

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Raising awareness for othering processes through critical cultural awareness, complex cultural dialogue and mindfulness

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The research draws on emotional and moral skills to be developed through respect, openness and competences of compassion by means of dialogical methods. Boost thinking about how to overcome stereotypical thinking and othering through dialogue, ways of changing perspectives, compassion and mindfulness are some of the objectives of this paper.

The project based on the article "Managing Stereotypes through Complex Cultural Dialogue and Transformative Processes",in :"Critical Cultural Awareness" (Cambrige Scholars, 2013) deals with dialogical processes and relationships, with a focus on the need to develop critical cultural awareness, savoir se transformer, complex cultural dialogue and empathy.

The project contains definitions and pitfalls of stereotyping as contained in colonial and historical heritage speech based on simplyfying dichotomies in literary and non-literary texts. Working on texts offers the opportunity to detect stereotypical thinking to change perspective through discussion, roleplay, mediation, etc.

Processes of lasting stigmatizing othering may be identified through research into instances of transmission of stereotypes through language and the role of the educator in dignifying the need for emancipatory teaching and the need "to view individuals and groups in their various class, racial, historical and gender settings" (Giroux, 2010).

Approaches towards developing such emancipatory thinking, reflecting "critically on their own ideology as seen from the perspective of others" and "finding a mode of cooperation on the basis of shared aims and values" (Byram, 2008) involve the teaching of trust and solidarity.
