The research draws on emotional and moral skills to be developed through respect, openness and competences of compassion by means of dialogical methods. Boost thinking about how to overcome…
Through an intercultural story series this project reduces "othering" by helping children from four to ten years feel that they're friends with peers from other countries. The stories discuss personal…
Peer Education Project: Diversity Trainings in Vocational Schools.
This project engages pupils at vocational schools interactively with the topics of: prejudice, discrimination, racism and moral…
Othering is an interdisciplinary notion that refers, amongst other things, to differentiating
discourses that lead to moral and political judgment of superiority and inferiority between ‘us’ and…
One might have hoped to see signs that racial thinking and racial hostility were vanishing—hoped, that is, that the color line would not continue to be a major problem in the twenty-first century,…
Emily Wilson reviews the Origins of "Foreigners" by mainly stressing 'The Last Generation of the Roman Republic' by Erich S. Gruen, who is no stranger either to controversy or to the topic of…
Otherness is due less to the difference of the Other than to the point of view and the discourse of the person who perceives the Other as such. Opposing Us, the Self, and Them, the Other, is to choose…
With specific reference to Durkheim's Theory of Social Class and its three captions: Forms of Solidarity, Anomie and Anomic Division of Labor, Prof. Timothy Shortell analyses the Division of Labor &…
Durkheim taught that society exists "outside" and "apart" from the individuals who form it. Society is a "thing" in itself, and should be studied as such. For example, all the beliefs, attitudes,…
The work of a prominent Swiss cultural historian, "Cultures in Conflict" seeks to transform the history of colonialism into cultural history by representing the mental structures or world view of the…
The study sheds light on the question if and how German schoolbooks incorporate integration, migration and social diversity. It encourages critical discourse on the topic and provides the basis for…
Consideration of social identity and trust as factors of consolidated public opinion formation is due to mutual social processes connected with formation of social identity, trust and public opinion.…